
What have you got against the word "sounds"?

Madam, I'm Nicolas Cage.

I was on the verge of writing Neil Gaiman personally to ask whether the line "Do you want to see Lucy's tits?" would be in the show, so I'm glad to have this confirmed. Although, I'm not sure I'll know how to handle it when I hear Gillian Anderson say it.

It seems to have a lot of detractors around here, but I'd recommend the book to anyone. That said, and vene though I think this looks like a really great adaptation, you might want to avoid the book-to-TV-show blues and read it after seeing the show.

A Chenoweth cheese? Well, I can picture the cheese.

This has me so fucking pumped. I've thought Ricky Whittle was a perfect choice since he was announced, and this trailer just confirms it for me. The fact that it opens with "I love you. Something feels weird" is such a great choice too. Now, if we could just see some footage of Gillian Anderson saying, "You wanna see

To be fair, Shadow is a character who goes through life seeming as if he's half asleep; his wife mentions that she would turn the light off in rooms where he was sitting because she didn't realise he was there. I think Whittle's perfect for the role, for a bunch of reasons.

Aw, shucks! Thanks.

Here in Australia we've had a pretty bitter winter (by our standards; it's probably pretty mild for America) and it hasn't stopped people going out at all hours of the night. I am actually intrigued to see what happens here in the summer when we start getting 40+ degree days.

I picked Instinct because, a) my girlfriend had already picked it, so we may as well be teammates, and b) I liked the logo. There does seem to be a lot of hatred towards it but, eh.

"Professor Willow, Pokeburgers head office called today. They're going to have to double their meat order this month. Are we going to manage?"

Then she walked into my office. Legs from down on the ground all the way to Heaven knows what, Dark, smokey eyes, the kind women kill for and men die just to get near. She was trouble, alright. I could see that the moment I laid eyes on her. And I was going to grab that trouble with both hands. It wasn't the only

You might like to know that Ekans evolves into Arbok. Which doesn't, unfortunately, evolve into Rotcirtsnoc Aob.

They just blue your gym.

No there aren't! If anyone tells you otherwise, cut the out of your life and spend every waking second resenting their very existence.

I appreciate your lack of commitment to the bit.

"Become a fisher of Pokemon."

Those films are so corny.

Liam is the painting to Chris Hemswrith's Dorian Gray. Chris just gets more and more charismatic while Liam slowly withers away into sheer blandness.

"Woody, we want you to play a perpetually drunk, washed-up former celebrity."