
Are you and Cocaine friends? Wait, is it offensive to assume you'd be friends because you're both addictive substances?

That's a damned uncomfortable mental image.

My girlfriend suggested that the makers of the game should do a promotion where there's a guarantee of a ghost-type Pokemon at every cinema showing the film.

Winston wasn't my favourite character in the film as a kid - that would have been Egon - but he was the one that I wanted to be in real life. I don't know why that is, exactly. I think he was the one that actually most seemed like a guy who busted ghosts.

Winston was going to be, if I recall, an ex-military dude. I can actually picture a version of the movie where he kind of whips them into shape a bit. Like, the climax, when everything's gone to shit in New York - realistically, three college professors are probably going to lose their heads and want to just run and

I'm not going to see things the same way as Ghost all the time - I'm white, so my perspective will always be different - but he's right here. The film gives us no reason to see him as anything other than a guy doing a job, as opposed to the white guys who create the business based on their passion, intellect and

The original is one of my all time favourite comedies. I saw the reboot last night, and had a blast. I didn't find it as funny as the original, and that's okay. I'd even say one way in which it was stronger than the first is having a real, human villain with understandable motivations to ground the action.

I'm not saying we haven't always needed this, but perhaps now more than ever, with pop culture finally starting its small steps towards decent representation, we do need more entertainment writers of colour.

The trailers for 'Ghostbusters' do sell it short, but trailers for comedies tend to, in my experience.

And … uncomfortable to watch for some folks.

It certainly doesn't have as many classic one-liners as the original, but that "Eat, Pray, Love" line belongs in the Burn Hall of Fame.

I mean, considering he's already given us 'The Heat', 'Bridesmaids' and 'Spy', I'd say Feig is doing his bit for original women-led comedies.

The credits are quite busy, but the extended bit where [character] does [a thing] is a tonne of fun.

You want to talk about rude words? I've never seen so many uses of "d-sh it" in my life!

I'm waiting for this article to be edited with one of those little staff comments before the main comments section: "Due to widespread confusion, the AV Club would like to clarify: there are no cookies in this article or comments section. Please stop asking about them."

Never look things up! That's how those people win!

Betty White or GTFO.

She gives you … Strong feelings?

I saw 'Ghostbusters' last night, and it was the first time I'd seen the trailer for 'A Monster Calls'. Not knowing anything about it, I was half expecting it to turn out to be a gritty re-imagining of 'The Giving Tree'.

In 30 years we'll be saying, "Hey, remember bunsteve? He really liked 'Swiss Army Man'."