
I mean, it's novel, give it that.

That's partially because the delivery of that guy is so bad. It's like he's not only never acted before, but never been introduced to the concept of human speech.

That said, I'd say there's a lot about 'Hamilton' that might not stand up to historical scrutiny.

Alcoholics Anonymous Dowd.

Actually, that could have led to a really fun scene. Our other three 'busters have only just seen ghosts for the first time, and are freaking out about it. They get to Tolan's haunted library, and she's just sitting there, reading a book, totally calm while a bunch of ghosts float around her. And she says, "Oh, these

Trying to buy a horse from the pet shop was inspired. I'm glad they didn't go down the route where he's baffled by every piece of modern technology he finds, but he is still used to getting adventuring supplies whenever he needs them.

The scene in 'Thor: The Dark World' where he very gently hangs Mjolnir on the coat rack makes me smile every time.

It was one of the few certainties a young hormonal man could count on back in those days: if you were flipping through the channels late at night and you landed on an 80s cop film, you wouldn't have to wait long for the strip club scene.

My understanding is that Ghost of Eazy E is black themselves. So while they can use that, those of us who are white should definitely not.

I'd say it blows.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Apparitions, or PETA. It's led to some confusion.

Followed by one Two Eyed Smiley with a nasty face wound.

I have seen shit on IMDB message boards that would turn you white!

How would you feel about "superhero getting divorce in New York; fights supervillain named Malaise"?

"This film was a triumph: warm, buttery, the perfect balance of crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, and, most importantly, not too salty."

You reminded me of one of my favourite jokes:

I only go to Hooters for the articles.

Those shiftless Mennonites.

Yeah, I hate those kind of warnings. Like, "May contain nuts". So because some crybaby has a "nut allergy", I need to read some warning about something that doesn't affect me? What kind of bullshit is that?

"For the love of the Force, Yoda, could you juts give it a rest? The last council meeting took seventeen hours because we had to decode every fucking sentence you spoke."