Spim Tobley

I think my favorite part of the play comes very late in the script after a character calls Whiteside a "rat with a beard" and the stage directions just say, "Oh, I should probably mention that Whiteside has a beard"

The Man Who Came to Dinner isn't on TCM tonight. Make Way for Tomorrow is on 10:15, though. That movie'll make you wanna hug a bunch of grandparents.

And then, years later, after I stopped listening to or thinking about the Eagles much at all, I decided to post something calling the lyrics a "filthy goddamn sex metaphor" without actually looking at the lyrics, and now I must tell younger me that the song is more about drugs than sex.

The fucking Eagles, man
I grew up in the '90s, but my parents raised me on a lot of '70s rock. I think the first song I ever called my favorite was "Hotel California." I was also really into "Life in the Fast Lane." At the time, I thought it was about the 10 items or less aisle in the supermarket, which I guess was

I never posted that before, Brain Specialist. Now I have to deal with the fact that you're having deju vu about my teenage memories.

Animal House
In what I could only assume was some sort of rite of passage into manhood, my dad sat my older brother down to watch Animal House when he turned 14. Naturally, I assumed he'd sit me down to watch it when I turned 14 as well. Hell, he even showed it to our neighbor's son. Age 14 passed, then age 15, and

Better Kevin Costner than the guy in the Better Call Saul commercials.

As a person who's never seen an episode until tonight's…
Yeah, I can't really say I got much out of it, other than a fun night of voicing my confusion to people. The were some individual lines and self-contained action scenes that worked, and I did feel like I got a loose grasp on some things. I was actually quite

Do you wanna dance?
There are very few albums I've listened to more than #1 Record and Radio City, as both are such a perfect mix of raw power and sheer beauty that it's hard to think of a time I'm not in the mood for it. With Third/Sister Lovers, though, I'm hardly ever depressed enough to feel the full force of it,

For some reason, my family has had multiple random Lewis Black encounters. When we vacationed in San Diego years ago, he ate a couple tables down from us at a restaurant, and most of our conversation was contemplating whether or not to say anything to him. We decided against it. Years later, though, my dad ran into

Man, that stuff is soul-crushing. It was just me alone in a room with a phone and list of numbers. I was calling businesses for a beneficial free service and still had to deal with astonishing displays of rudeness and numerous hang-ups. Whenever I got home, I'd vent with very loud belting sessions of

Rochester also got those Max Pies "Furniture Man" commercials from Batavia. Unfortunately, I can't find 'em online. www.maxpiesfurniture.com has some of their more recent commercials up (with some meta references to the past), but it's not the same.

Oh man, I was just listening to Midnite Vultures tonight. It always puts me in a good mood.

Tom Green, muscle shirts, and the Rim Horton

I used to be able to listen to them. That pretty quickly changed after I walked in on my parents listening to and acting out the non-Krusty the Klown version of "Give It Away."

Piggy-backing on the Godard reference, my weirdest pop culture dream involved Godard kidnapping one of my friends and keeping her in a shoebox. My negotiations with him wound up being pretty reminiscent of the airport finale of Casablanca.

Contestants, Experts
While I do agree that the contestants seem pretty dumb, there's actually extensive pre-testing for the Hot Seat. I auditioned for the regular and movies-only format over the summer and passed both tests, but have to admit they're pretty challenging. I wouldn't mind believing that they

A few more, in no particular order:

I was hoping for some Billy Wilder love either in the form of The Apartment or Sabrina, which really is the money Audrey Hepburn romantic-comedy.

Chilly Scenes of Winter
Very glad to see it in here, and I'll be very glad if ever it gets a DVD release.