Spim Tobley

Annie Hall is without question my favorite as well.

The Gravy Train
One of the best crime movies of the '70s, and certainly one of the most fun ever. Plus, Terrence Malick's the c0-writer.

"Guilty Pleasures" Link
It sent me to Gilmore Girls Season One on Amazon. Seems quite fitting.

The Undertones
What a fantastic debut album. Whenever a song off it comes up on shuffle, I hafta turn shuffle off and listen to the whole thing. If the slogan of "Betcha can't eat just one" were actually true, The Undertones would be the musical equivalent of Lay's potato chips.

Silver Apples
I was sorta hoping to see Silver Apples in there. I'd call it '60s proto-electronica, though I'm sure how apt that description is. It's just delightfully wonky and unlike anything I have ever heard.