Fisting Dakota

If this is your first night at brat club, you must brat.

"Hoover? I barely know her!"

How else was he to polish the inside of a 45 millimeter shell casing? You tell me. YOU TELL ME!

Excuse me, I’m sorry to bother you, but I just have to tell you: I love her voice.

But is there a farting boner corpse?

http://www.vanityfair.com/n… Here's the VF article about the (making of the) film. I saw it in a sold-out theater in Portland. Great fun, the filmmakers hosted and seem like really good guys.

"Jury president Wim Wenders remarked later that he was put off by the 'unheroic'
behavior of the main character, Mookie." Also prompted Spike Lee to ask "What's so heroic about a guy that tapes women?" That said, LOVED sex, lies. The screenplay book is excellent, and gives insight into Soderberg's process, e.g., phone

Hey, this is totally my avatar! Wasn't meant as a black thing when I started. But I totally support black issues. Some of my best friends are…. Never mind.

What's in the box?! WHAT'S IN THE BOX?!!

Actually, that clip makes me like and respect Jamie more, even if it does seem mean jock-ish. You're a comic, you gotta be funny. The unfunny comic deserved to be owned, and Jamie rules the room.

Kinda loved him (and Sam Rockwell!) in Matchstick Men, a little seen Ridley Scott(!) con man movie.

Stay Puft Marshmallows, Man.

Is it "penis breath" or "peanuts breath"?

That timing didn't work out for Bitch Hunter.

I want to see it with the Missus, but her worth-less car is broke.

Weird they used a screen shot of Superman's O face.

Too soon.

Too soon.

I don't know what attenuate means.

I don't know what attenuate means.