Teen Laqueefah

Know a few people that knew some of the guys from 311. They aren't just terrible and boring-they're assholes too!

I hate everything, in fact I can't remember the last time I stepped foot in a movie theatre..But I would eat a mile long pile of Robert Downey Jrs shit just to get to where it came from….
Christ Allmighty does me make me feel funny in my girlparts…

wasn't there an episode where Michael DID ask everyone to fix him up on dates? or is J-date some nasty shit I'm not aware of?

ween rules
that's all

ok ok ok um
How's this for an intelligent arguement Tv On The Radio at 38, Justin Timberlake at 37:WHAT in the MOTHERFUCKING FUCK?!? That is just so wrong,and maybe I'm just a super fan but I'd say all three of thier full lengths deserve spots-ATLEAST thier last two…

I always imagine the warden on wonderjail as being modeled after Elton John-am I the only one??

Oh yeah
Every summer, right around the Fourth of July I spend atleast one afternoon in the sun getting shnockered on cheap wine and listening to Good Gods Urge by Porno for Pyros,California by Mr Bungle and (fuckall this is embarrasing) Antichrist Superstar by Marilyn Manson, it brings me back to my teenage years in a

I just wanted to say
That picture of there is the reason I fucking loathe those Pixar movies…look at the backround! it's gorgeous..God I miss real cartoons..

yes, I also love Charlie..I'd like to teach him how to read and give him little eskimo kisses..

Warren Oates-I know I really choked…I've never been first before and I think it was kindof one of those deals like when you watch a gameshow on tv it looks so damned easy,but when you're there under the bright lights…oh god I'm freezing up again..

aw see, you just made me piss my pants!

Yeah it was pretty weak. I'm sorry.

I went to a Del show a few months ago, and it WAS mostley white people. Then again I'm in Nebraska so really what would you expect?

The always sunny episode totally deserves a spot on the list, but as far as aqua teen goes I would have chosen the episode where Danzig buys their house…that was rad.

I was watching the Tila Tequila show once and one of the challenges involved the contestants eating really nasty shit all fear-factor style..Anyway she's telling them the rules or whatever and she yells out "IF YOU WANNA BE WITH ME YOU'RE GONNA HAVE TO EAT A PIGS VAGINA"
I was all like "true dat"

Anthony Bourdain is absolutely great and I think he deserves nothing but success and baskets of smooches..But those poker shows are fucking unwatchable-TERRIBLE TERRIBLE TERRIBLE..
I'm with Busey was one of the funniest "reality" shows I've ever seen it was just so ridiculous..

And theeeen
Fornit sum Fornis!!

I have nothing clever to say
but I've never had a chance to do this before, FIRST!!

Kids In The Hall, because it's almost never on-same with Strangers with Candy and Old Adult Swim like Space Ghost and The Brak Show..

The singer from Everclear scares the bisquits out of me, I've seriously had bad dreams that look alot like the" I Will Buy You A New Life" video.