Teen Laqueefah

Can't help it
I'll always have a soft spot for Weezer..I met them before a show once when I was 17 and they were super nice guys (ok Rivers wasn't there) They approached me because they liked my shirt and my makeup and even had thier photographer take pictures of me for thier website…Um..not those kinds of

ahah my ex and I used to say "it tastes like burning" about damn near everything we ate..

How about "It doesn't take a rocket appliance!"

One time I was having drinks at the bar I waitressed in, and some dude tried to buy me a shot-I politley declined and continued talking with my friends…A moment later I felt heat on my ass and turned around to find a guy who looked exactly like this Chase Utley fellow holding a lighter up to my right buttcheek. He

Why on earth is everyone being so mean to Stacey??

Thank you. I feel better. : )

I saw the wifeswap with these assholes, it would have been fine by me if the little turd had fallen out and died-he doesn't have a shred of hope as it is.

Lucky for me
I'm in Palmyra Nebraska, population 400. Lucky for me that chubby motherfucker never really went away.

Is it wrong?
that I want to kiss charlie on his lips?? My roomate has a thing for Dennis and that is just gross.

fuck the long term..besides if someone can't handle a a silly tattoo on my foot I'm not too worried about it..

agrees with tajes
While there were obviously alot of contributing factors,this guys death could have easily been prevented had his friend (who was obviously a moron) not been allowed to roll around town packing heat..Last weekend I spent a good two hours trying to calm down an old friend of mine who was shitfaced and

In regards…
Know Thyself, when did you get the idea that dude was being expoited? Even the DEvil and Daniel Johnston was a very loving film. Dude has had an interesting life and made some really brilliant music and artwork along the way..He might be mentally ill but he WANTS people to enjoy his work and they do…As far

the child clown outlet thing kills me. my sister has been begging me to get a tattoo with her to celebrate our sisterhood or something..I refused until I talked her into a tim and eric tat…For the last two years our conversations have consisted mostley of t&e qoutes..ridiculous yes..but I can't wait to look down at my

Yeah SNL is starting to depress me. Did anyone else think the digital short with Armisen and Barrymore was a really bad Tim and Eric rip off?

I thought it was cute!

The twins
I laughed so fucking hard at the twins gag.

is so happy
The picture you guys used is like the funniest fucking thing ever.

Flea scares the shit out of me for some reason.