Neckbeard the Philatelist

Luke Wilson

Hey, Caesar! I heah you'uz ripped untimely from your mother's womb. How's that working out feh ya?

Seems like this sitcom should be set in Jonestown, British Guyana. Or maybe the San Diego suburbs.

Leporidae Gump

"… a rather self-involved porcelain rabbit"

Can we get an Iranian instead of an Indian? That way we can keep the cast Caucasian/Aryan.

How a DNA Test on Maury Proved That Guy Is Your Father

Go for that key 18-34 demo: How I Met My F#ck Buddy.

French zombies only eat human liver pate. And instead of moaning "Grr, argh," French zombies sniff "Hurr, hurr, hurr."

For his next trick, McConaughey gains 300 pounds and loses his Texas accent to play the lead in Taft.

Best Exotic Marigold Funeral Home

All rise

I'm picturing a federal court judge watching the "Blurred Lines" video over and over and over and over …

I think you mean three Xs away from a party …

"Who are the 'families' that are sitting together and watching this shit?"

*Spike Lee tweets Jonas Salk's home address*

I'd give the edge to Key & Peele, which is also in the running for best sketch comedy show of all time.

You'd outlaw making porn?

Speed Racer?