
From the way the creators have gone on about his sexuality this is highly unlikely. Their exact words in regards to his preference to women and his sexual experience with men were "So [maybe] 20 years from now? But there are no immediate plans." - so yeah no bisexuality but lots of women relationships at least. But at

Just one more thing. Is it just me, or is Matt Ryan sounding more and more welsh each episode? Nothing against this because I love the accent but it sure is amusing.

He's smoking more each episode! Maybe he'll get through a pack in an episode by the end of the series.

Wasn't the ghost who killed him also presumed to be gay? I know its all terribly weird…

I'm so frustrated. I want so much for Zed to be a real character and we did get a bit of development this week but I'm so willing for her to be something beyond a handy helper to John for no reason other than she was drawn (pun ha!) to him. She has so much potential! And Chas was useless but still funny. I'm so

"Its a town in the North of England. Horrible weather, and even worse football team."

We did indeed. But you know, he fucked him over a wee bit. So yeah, kiss seemed appropriate.

That last shot actually did sell the character of John to me. But it is clear that this John is indeed different to the comic John in that he does manipulate to his own means but he does it with a heavy heart and a bit of brooding. Not that Comic!John didn't, he got drunk and passed out, but TV!John sat with his

There was a miniscule reference to Constantine's bisexuality when he was tied to the empty bed with Papa Midnite enjoying himself way too much around him.

I agree with the critique Constantine's music choice, considering throughout the comics he listens to some amazing songs but they went for the obvious when it comes to expressing his punk rock roots, probably because it was the easiest for non-punk fans to identify the inner rock turmoil of John.

Ahh, I'm in Jesmond :] So woo for local commenters. And yeah Liam Cunningham has a great nothern accent in GoT, I was actually surprised when I found out he was Irish (and then realised oh yeah he was in Hunger). More Davos Seaworth next season please.

Now that is true, there are some parts of the lexicon that match, like "park it" or "90 quid" (which doesn't make sense anyway as he'd have dollars), a lot of the northern inflections are general northern rather than specific to Liverpool, but the fact they're trying is quite ok by me. I don't think there's ever been

Agreed, his potential is the reason I'll keep watching. He's got the ability to crack off the zingers, he just needs the scripts.

The flirting was awkward, the story wasn't really interesting and the Romani stuff was offensive. But at least he's blonde and Liverpuddlian… We gotta look at the brightside here people!

I loved the heck out of the disco creation in Charmonique's apartment, wigs and all just so beautiful. But not as beautiful as John Cho's dancing. Glorious episode.


Veals off. We have veal substitute instead.

Actually the one thing he confirmed was not people was the chicken soup he brought Will last week. Which was actually just a kind gesture. Fat load of good that did of course considering but you know.

I've been yelling abuse at that face whenever it appears on my dash. Admittedly it's been a lot in the past hour… But I have feelings… YOU DASHING BASTARD YOU!

I hope she punched him. Hard. And then cried more. Cos I'd be wreck too. Dhavernas is awesome.