
Total Eclipse of the Heart by Bonnie Tyler

I AM SO ANGRY I HAVE TO WAIT A YEAR FOR MORE EPISODES!!!! A lot of anger, mainly directed at Hannibal for being a douchebag. No one helped Will Graham, he went unhelped, now he is behind bars. I have nothing of note to say here. Good acting, amazing directing, already been said. I just feel anger. A lot of anger… Also

Live as in time wise, especially from Freddie's perspective who only writes about that sort of thing and was getting a full live presentation of it with audience participation and everything. Maybe my word play was a little on the nose…

I agree, the live surgery was just impossible for me, I actually winced and looked away. Thats a big deal for me!

I was quite distressed after this episode. The drowning scene, the neck tie, the LIVE vivisection, the seizure and just Will hooked up to machines after shooting a guy. Yeah, I felt uncomfortable and uneasy and I keep saying this but it's getting scarier… It has to be… Because my tolerance for this sort of thing is

Beware, the wine we drink is probably people. Almost definitely.

The end of this weeks episode proves this. Do not get on his bad side. Or become dinner. Or even more delightful, become … whatever that was…

I say this every week but Jesus, this show is so very visceral that its basically nightmare fuel. The bit in the MRI scanner was more intense than the actual murder, which gave you a real look into how Will sees things. Also the under the bed stuff was just another reason not to go to bed… Seriously… I'm gonna get a

For Will, short of passing out and foaming at the mouth I'm not sure what else but I get the feeling they're trying to make it seem as though every cell in his body is fighting the idea of committing the murders and his mind is fighting to "Kill! Lets kill! It'll be oh so fun and you'll totally enjoy it!"… Its a very

I was very pleased with this hug. He kinda just melted into it. Thats the stuff I wanna see more of please. There were two hugs in this episode as well! Both for characters who needed them cos they're damaged and need more. Two hugs an episode from now to the finale would be nice actually. Lots more for Will though,

I wanted to spend more time with the killer, he seemed delightfully interesting and his motives were horrifically pragmatic. Even his eventual capture. Can we have a scene where we just talk to him in his cell? Just chew it over, just more, more please, he was awesome (OK not awesome but interesting…).

I sometimes feel that Hugh Dancy has been missing the full character depth, being skittish is one thing but it's been growing and growing and this episode really solidified this for me. No one can deny this is a man is killing it and I'm so excited to see where is character arc goes. We FINALLY got a really good hug

Dude!! Robson and Jerome!! That guy who sang Up On the Roof for an entire two years on the radio is the best sell sword in all of Westeros… And Robson does fishing programmes and cheats on his wife. This is why Jerome is better! So much better! I always liked him best (although he was the lesser of the two singers

I'm actually really excited for Matt's film with Ryan Gosling, he's going completely against type indeed and he'll probably be marvellous

PAUL MCGANN SHOULD COME BACK! He totally would, not like Christopher Eccleston

I still wait for the day someone hugs Hugh Dancy in this show. He needs a hug; a proper one. A real good one…. Will someone just hug him!? Please!?

"I thought you were dead…"

Actually I think it was because Tobias said "I'm not alone" and he was this close to revealing who Hannibal was to Franklin. This was a jump of the gun on Hannibal's part to prevent his secret being revealed but also, yeah, he was getting a bit irritated. There was no way Franklin would leave that room without knowing

It was an "Aww dont do that," in a way that said, "I was kinda thinking of doing it myself," which shows how alike they were.

Absolutely loved the ringing in the ears after the gunshot too, that made the scene all the more uncomfortable and like the ringing it lingered long after it happened. Dude had half an ear off! Thats some grim stuff!