
This was the episode where the compulsion grabbed me and I had to finish the entire thing today. And I'm glad I did. This is the best acting I've seen David Tennant do too. He's uniformly excellent (even in that second series of Broadchurch we dont talk about) but this is another level.

I don't have much to add (other than UNBELIEVABLE RAGE!!!!!) and that Jerome Flynn's singing voice was one of my grandma's favourite things and his success in the UK was one of Simon Cowell's first big hits on the UK Charts. This information (like what happened in this episode) fills me with both interest and

Hey! The lesson was affirmed in this episode too! More dick, more castration!

An entire male brothel scene for 60 minutes? I'd pay to see that.

Oh absolutely! There's a lot of scenes in the brothels this series so far, and some of them have been for pure story based reasons, most of the others have not. But I want to believe that Melissandre's nudity was part of the storyline and character motivations because I do think there was a lot of underlying stuff

Not a fan of gratuitous T&A either but I do feel Melissandre's nudity was applicable to the previous scene in which Stannis openly says "I need you", and there's a lot of implication of his distaste for his wife throughout the episode. Although Stannis is not a sexual being in ANY way it does feel that his connection

I do love that Karen's approach to Spanish is of someone who has learned and is pulling from the banks of her memories. Its fair for someone to read it from the script but like you said she emphasises her words and pronunciations lovely, and even sweeter she starts off a little bit limited and slowly gets more

There's a scene between the Russians where they acknowledge Fisk has come out of hiding, so it's safe to assume that they've got their spies around for that sort of thing especially considering they've only been paid lip service up until that point. I get why they would want to confront him face to face but yeah,

So he has 31 lives left… No wait! 30! Chas really has to be careful with his count considering he's died at least once (or twice) and episode since the start of the series. I really hope the creators aren't expecting us to keep count because geez, TV and homework, too much.

But damn if that isn't a good drink, with discussion of the theology and heavy smoking. And making fun of Uncle NBC with various references to the naughty bible you're not meant to read at school.

I actually liked the fractious relationship between Anne and John considering what happened at Newcastle, and as a comic book fan it does fill me with more glee considering her part in that scenario. Terrible nun, but good character who didn't buy entirely into the John Constantine charm.

As a person who went to school that was created by nuns, yes that is how we react to kissing guys as a rule. Kiss then shoot. I don't make the rules damnit, its the nuns!

Dude right!? Her tank tops are awesome!

I love the show, and I get where he's coming from with the random story points, plus he had a lot of nice things to say about Manny, but the gradings seem so off to me. I get there's some story beats that don't make sense, but it would be nice if he acknowledged the easter eggs, like Spectre and Psycho Pirate, would

I really need some Chas, Zed and Manny together, just in one episode. Is that too much to ask!? (Apparently!)

Its complicated!! I think the word is, it has potential.

According to the creator the wall lick was improvised too. As if we needed any more proof Matt Ryan was a perfect choice for Constantine.

This entire episode was about Constantine in my mind. Why he is a great big mess. And that worked for me on so many levels. I mean it opened with him sleeping with a woman in a relationship, had him whining about not getting a drink for most of the episode and outright saying he's fucked up cos of his parents. I

I think the most welsh he sounded was at the beginning when he fixed the Zoetrope. That "Result." was incredibly welsh to me. But most of the time he does nail a northern accent, although scouse has a sort of melody to it that I don't think Matt Ryan has entirely gotten. Maybe because Scouse is so wildly

Oh hell yeah. The best thing about John's sexuality is the fact that yeah, fans go to town on that sort of thing. And Papa Midnite and John do make a great pairing besides the fact they do in fact hate each other immensely, but hey they work together well so we can hold onto that.