
This is true, there would be far too much kissing and not enough talking if they left Alana and Will alone together every time Will needed a talk…

I'm starting to think Will just aint that smart, but he was instead referencing to the way they talk about the murders and the effect they have on him. But seriously, if I was Will I'd be thinking "Whoah! This guy sure knows a lot about murdering people!? Even for a psychiatrist thats a bit weird…"

Proof that as far as Hannibal is concerned so long as he's wearing his human suit in public all is OK. But when it comes down to exposing his true nature, the dudes a office breaking machine!

I loved the Will reaction to the kiss because it did seem out of the blue and he seemed almost angry about his behaviour. Sure it was a cop out to have him explain he was grasping for a modicum of normality but its true that it escalated from basically nowhere. But, I hope that the kiss can be a springboard for a

I loved him in Rev, Olivia Coleman was an added awesome bonus too.

I really loved how Tom Hollander actually held this film together. You have Peter Capaldi running around swearing yes, and James Gandolfini being all awesome, even Steve Coogan gets some great lines. But its Tom's characters morals that actually hold the thing together, battle between his job and what he believes in,

I love that she sees through Will's emotional wall and sees that in the end he's just a guy coping with a lot of stress, not as a tool like Jack, as a friend that could be come romantic like Alana or even as a intellectual equal like Hannibal which can be groomed. Naaah, Beverly just sees Will and thinks, hey, this

I was thinking that about the the bathroom Jack and Will had a conversation in in the first episode where Jack threatens the dude to use the ladies. It was the spit of the place Jack has that absolutely mindblowingly scary conversation with the butler who turned out to be the last caretaker.

If David Tennant is in this show it'll be the best damn thing on television. Because Doctor Who has been in a scene doing something/anything with Hannibal Lecter… I dont think my little nerd heart can take it, Scully just sitting there talking for 4 minutes was … oh heck it was awesome, there'll be more too!!!

Absolutely loved the look into Hannibal's concept of "friendship" and how he perceives that in his social group. Yeah, the parallels between him and Franklin and he and Will were quite funny but also quite sad. When he seeks Will out at his office its really a moment that defines his neediness of this relationship he

It raises a lot of questions…

Its 999! You berk!

He spent 5 months in Utah creating one of the most lowly regarded films of all time. But he's ok with it! Well that's what he said at least.

Ooooh @avclub-d7fb64ed0ec4132d35ff565f432ad3cf:disqus knows the score! Yeah I preferred Vesuvius Club but and read Devil in Amber then got caught up in Sandman re-reads so never got to the last one, but Gatiss is a great writer and a really fun read, plus as I said, he seemed in his element with the scenario in this

Pretty good yeah, he's wrote a bunch of Doctor Who novels, mostly with the Seventh as the main character and he's got his Lucifer Box series which is essentially spy novels in Victorian times, a tiny weeny bit self indulgent but very enjoyable

I knew this episode would be awesome! I mean this is Mark Gatiss! This is his homeland! Victorian intrigue!? Come on, read his books, check out his manic sketch for the Christmas Special of League of Gentlemen, he loves it and he just seemed so gleeful through this entire episode, jolly good show!

I found a gifset, no eye gouging, just will in his shirt and whatnot… OK I might get it now…

I gotta tell you thats the last thing I was thinking and objectively Hugh Dancy is an attractive man but dude! He was gouging someone's eye balls out!! No one is hot doing that! NO ONE!

If someone thought he was hot in that scene they need to watch it again and again until they realise how wrong that is…

Yeah the nostalgia had a nice colouring to the story and even though there wasnt as much depth as normal (I'll say that has something to do with the "killer" of the week as most of the time they've been super interesting, Gideon was not) there was still loads to enjoy.