

Sorry but those Oscars are already going to Furious 7 and Vin Diesel.

There are many reasons not to upvote something, hunger, boredom, wanting to be the world's fattest man, but not revenge!

God I love that this makes sense to me. NO REGRETS!

Spider-Man 3?

Whoa whoa whoa. The PTA has not disbanded!

This is like that episode of Twilight Zone where the guy thinks he posted on AV Club about his love for Wedge and the Rogue Squadron books, only he wakes up and discovers it was actually someone else. Terrible episode really.

Hey I saw that episode of 60 Minutes too!

Yeah except they ACTUALLY parachuted cars out of airplanes:



I can confirm. I recently observed him walking out of a restaurant in LA and he looked like he just woke up… and also terrified that I would say something because I obviously recognized him and then he started running away while I sang the Reading Rainbow song at him because now we're friends forever.


My favorite part of tonight was when Naevia got hit in the face during the preview for next week. Also the rest of it. But also when Naevia got hit in the face during preview for next week. Sometimes it's the simple things…

I heard we're going to Ape Island.

With all the buildup to this season and how epic it was going to be I was completely prepared to be be letdown. I mean, how do you do truly epic on tv?  Oh right.  Like this. Its amazing how the scale of everything has increased so gradually and yet so logically from season to season, and that they are able to get

This shit was dark! Even for Skeletor!  Also, I agree that Caesar proved himself tonight. The acting was great and I'm excited to see what they do with his arc. The moment Crassus' slave lover said what she did and we all knew that Tiberius was going to beat his best friend to death… FUCK.

I have to wait two weeks to see badass Crassus again?  The decimation is going to be awesome!  I'm still amazed it only took one episode for me to completely dismiss Spartacus and his army and throw all my support behind Crassus. 

I thought she was doing a bad job of shaving his balls…

I hate every ape I see
from ChimpanA to ChimpanZ
Oh you'll never make a monkey out of meeee.