
I can't wait for HBO to announce the personal spiritual beliefs of the next pair of detectives!

But do I still get to physically manipulate my penis?

"Aw, I wish I'd seen these comments a few days ago. Thanks, you guys! This is really sweet." I posted this below but accidentally deleted it. And now maybe it's not deleted? I'm terrible at the comments section and thus rarely comment, but I really did want to express my thanks.

I took my first stab at sobriety in 2012 and listened to this album a lot during my longest period of clean time (6 months). Then I kept listening to it well into my first relapse, and even though I still love the album, I'm not sure I'm ready to revisit it. I hear "Sinners and Their Repentances" in my head and am

Yeah, basically if I see the term "straight-acting" it's a huge red flag.

I wonder if it's because lesbians are less visible even than gay men in the culture at large. I'm gay, and I've heard many of my gay friends say some very ignorant things about lesbians, echoing the same misogyny directed from many men towards women in general. There's an outdated and disgusting idea that gay men

Riot Fest - saw Against Me!, Bob Mould, Suicidal Tendencies, Brand New, the Pixies - all were great (except I'm just not into Brand New; they helped me get a good spot for Pixies). Also, talked to a sad clown and witnessed a girl fight.

Nah, I think he's finally squandered the last of his name's marketability.

I wouldn't be surprised if they adapted those V/H/S movies (neither of which I've seen) into a TV anthology series.

I got halfway through reading the first unsightly chunk of text before I realized I was reading @avclub-110f08d5c3133981366b5c53ace53241:disqus .

Seth Green looks good with a beard. He's got that Charlie Day look — the scruff, the heavy-lidded eyes — that I just think is so sexy.

@avclub-ac42c9d40e7ba0f7192750c9c0596a8e:disqus , after coming upon Jesse in the playground, he came upon Jesse in the playground.

Actually, now that I've posted this and can see just how obvious it is, I regret it.

"Reaching New Depths of Desperation" - The AV Club's weekly list

Yahoo! referred to it as 'Oprah Winfrey's The Butler'.

All the Presidents' Butler

Holy shit….

Did somebody say "Novak Djokovic"?

The typos in this review "suggest it's [sic] absolute lack of caring."

His Wikipedia page mentions the Channel 4 documentary The Man with the 10-Stone Testicles. That has more of a ring to it.