
I want to see Beau Bridges fart on Elizabeth Taylor, but I'm not willing to watch all of 'Hammersmith is Out'. Anyone have an exact time for me to scroll to?

I've tried, but I just can't get into it.

Going Clear

That's subjective. I'm just saying, there's a lot of music beyond the same handful of albums that get written up in lists.

I'll throw down my top three (so far and in no order):

Don't worry, the front half has gems. You just haven't heard them yet.

You might be feigning ignorance, but that exists. The Hood Internet just released "Blurring Pains". Check it out.


He even opened with "Play by Play", which I thought was pretty ballsy considering it's so incredible and makes for an obvious closer. But it's a testament to how great that whole album is that the rest of his set was just as strong.

Oh. Cool.

You mean there are female Alien Christi? And they go through menopause?

Did you literally?

Agreed. And I really like "Bagboy". First thing I thought while listening was, "Frank sounds older, makes sense, can't be helped." But my second thought was, "Awesome, that is classic Santiago." And of course my third thought had something to do with Deal's backing vocals. Yes, it's a shame she's gone, but I still

So, it's like a drug to you.

And it looks like he has at least one cloven hoof?

You've thought enough about Kanye West that you can claim to have once had respect for him, but you're only familiar with two of his songs?

@avclub-f979394c282f4c89bbd91e8ef5589479:disqus Hounds that when they bark shoot bees out of their mouths?

I'm sure people are already bitching about it below, but my fingers are too broken to scroll. Anyhow, I'm just really sick of think-pieces about this movie. Like, it's stupid, end of story.

Careful. It might not be so delightfully adorable to anyone who isn't you or your girlfriend.

Well, it is on the movie theater marquee during his character's "date" with Jennifer Lawrence's in Silver Linings Playbook.