
I developed a meth addiction right around the time of Blackstar's release. Tweaked out, I listened to Blackstar's and Station to Station obsessively. In winter. In fucking St. Paul. I'm four months clean and living in California now, but I haven't been able to go back to Blackstar, as much as I love it.

A man in a bar yelled at me when I said I didn't like Rent. He claimed it was because I wasn't of an age to have seen so many of my friends die from AIDS. But really I just think the music sucks, and my sister (who loves Rent) would sing that "Candle" song all the time.

I mean, I'm sure it's a terrible movie, but I don't remember much surrounding it aside from the experience of my dad taking me to see it in theaters. Maybe more than once? We saw The Lion King like a dozen times. So that's the extent of my nostalgia. But I was in third grade. So sue me. Or kill me.

As a "millenial," I say fuck off. I don't subscribe to any of this bullshit.

Armin Shimerman is in this. There is also a character named Qwark. And yet Shimerman does not voice Qwark. Huh.

Thanks for the link. I hadn't read the criticism surrounding the book.

Haven't seen this, but I really want to now, especially having just read 'Mole People' by Jennifer Toth.

They did a collaboration with Ghostface Killah. I have yet to listen to it, but on paper it sounds pretty cool.

Hm. 'What Teens May Cum'


Handful of my faves so far: Xiu Xiu 'Angel Guts: Red Classroom', Kelis 'Food', Trap Them 'Blissfucker'


It's okay, I'm right there with you in knowing that. And I've watched that episode more than once.

I remember being aware of my attraction to other guys at a young age, but I've not really been able to trace the development of that attraction on any sort of timeline. Oddly enough, thinking about "Animorphs" in this context provides some insight. I was around 7 or 8 when I started reading these. Jake, Tobias and

This episode is my favorite of the season so far, and I had the same thought about a marathon-viewing midway through. The callback jokes really worked in sync with the more serialized plotting, whereas in earlier episodes they sometimes felt kind of forced.

No. I wasn't. But he was kinda hot.

No, he'd have to be hot at some point.

Saul was usually just into managing his alcoholism while continuing to drink. A few of the major characters had trouble with alcohol, but none of them ever attempted true sobriety. Can't blame them, really. I'm in recovery right now, but if I were one of the few remaining survivors in the wake of humanity's near

I don't really remember him ever trying to get sober. Wasn't it forced?

Huh? I love this show and most of what it did with questions of spiritual exploration. I was only commenting on all the discussion concerning Rust's "spiritual transformation" or lack thereof.