I thought the last 20 minutes was trying to be just that; it was a decent representation of crazy Kirby science-machines, although it didn't click properly.
I thought the last 20 minutes was trying to be just that; it was a decent representation of crazy Kirby science-machines, although it didn't click properly.
A house.
The only time travel stories that "make sense" are the ones where there is one timeline that never changes, as in Bill & Ted. The problem is that if you really know that's the rules, it's harder to generate suspense.
The closed captioning develops an asterisk, and says "Check out Supergirl Episode 18!"
"I see now that speaking was a mistake."
It really is amazing how much serious acting has been done on this show by Odenkirk, McKean, and Begley, all of whom had been mainly known as comic actors before this (I think McKean has a moderate non-comic body of work, but generally speaking…)
In a similar vein, video games love to splash drops of water on the "camera" when appropriate — Bioshock and the Tomb Raider reboot (haven't played #2) both did it, and I'm sure there are plenty others.
You don't break your wrist from the speed; you break your wrist from falling on it.
I'm a little sad that the review has to explain who Valerie Harper is, but time does march on. I'm also quite pleasantly surprised to see her seeming well.
I know where I came from—but where did all you zombies come from?
On the one hand, if you hire a disabled actor, then yes, you rule out a very few unusual story possibilities, but it doesn't seem like a huge price to pay. ("Ed" used Darryl Mitchell for a couple of seasons, after his accident.)
And he does indeed pop something into his mouth at end, as they're all walking from the house to the field.
You don't have to announce that you're going to have an announcement, you just, you know, do it.
I was a kid and stooopid.
Glenn Close was in the credits, so maybe she's not sounding like herself nowadays.
I've come to conclusion that "git gud", for the Dark Souls people who have that attitude, means exactly one thing: learning to dodge. Apparently being able to do a lot of damage, especially through magic, is "cheap" (as if you're in a fair fight against DS otherwise), as is being able to soak up a lot of damage with…
It's like they remembered something about "entertainment" being a safe word but forgot how to use it. It used to be that they'd advertise something like "pokerstars.net is an entertainment site, not a gambling site", which was true because the .net version was play money only; you were supposed to know the secret…
I remember that Ebert thing, but he was quoting Howard Hawks: A good movie has "three great scenes, no bad ones."
Fanta is still a big brand in Europe (it's owned by Coca Cola), so it seemed like maybe he was ordering sodas he had been drinking in France. Is Pepsi Lime a thing there too? But what about Schwepps? Mysteries.
You have to admit that sounds like an Asylum ripoff of Ex Machina…is it?