
OK: these people have read The Phantom Tollbooth, which contains, not only places like The Island of Conclusions (where people jump to when making bad assumptions), but also a character who is The World's Smallest Giant AND The World's Tallest Midget AND two other things I forgot.

Once they delayed one conference championship because the other conference championship game was in overtime…OK, I see that may not address your issue.

If I tell you that D'Brickishaw Ferguson was the trigger for Key&Peele's East Coast/West Coast Bowl sketches…you are unsurprised.

I'm sorry, I'm going to have to go with "Houston Texans quarterback Colt McCoy". But only with that exact title.

I'm perfectly happy accepting that each impossible thing happens without being committed to the concept that all of them did, throughout the series, in some consistent fashion. I don't thing the fantasy can hold up under that much scrutiny, nor do I want the writers worrying about it.

I have to think that one reason people have more trouble believing it now is that "back then" most the people who thought about it seriously were 8 years old.

I wasn't joking about the value of that music! The end music to How I Met Your Mother is a nice series of chord changes that are recognizably related to the main theme.

And sometimes mysteriously de-furnitured?

He's the kid in It's A Good Life, as far as he can achieve it through his power.

You know that thing that sometimes happens when siblings who haven't known each other at all meet as adults?

It's hard to mentally compare a VO performance with the live-action, but I think he consciously pitched it just a little lower here.

Most important is to watch episode 10 before 11 and 12.

I think they're also trying to align TV time with real time. The first season has to take nine months, so a big time skip brings us up to Thanksgiving in time for next week's thing, and then probably come Christmas references next month.

Also, she was talking about phone calls to London and Beijing, two places that don't know from Thanksgiving; international business goes on.

Now, explain why she's walking around like that in front of those diaphanous curtains.

"Problem is solved in a way that naturally leads to a pseudo-scientific explanation that appeals to kids who know 4th-grade science" is a superhero conceit.

At least once (not this week) the captions took care to render Cat's version of Kara as, I think, "Kerah".

I've been assuming all along that Danson dies at Sioux Falls, and that's why it's important to S1 Lou. I'd have to rewatch the scene where Malvo needles him about it, but that's the obvious guess…isn't it?

I'm horrified to report that I said "Cosby!" a half-second before she did.

Hope you noticed Lindsay's blow-job pantomime in the booth at that line.