
You'd think they would at least try having fewer shelves.

Mistake deleted.

I'd like to know how people are, in other circumstances, getting those hours back, as implied.

It might depend on whether he also has contemporaneous notes explaining the role each of the characters plays in his story, and if those characters match up as well.

I have stuff to say about FOTB most weeks, and this week they did a whole thing on Asians who are effectively allergic to alcohol, and their coping mechanisms in white society. I thought it was a very interesting look at a surprising piece of subculture I was only dimly aware of.

Pretty much like Carrie-Ann Moss' character in Jessica Jones, who was IIRC that kind of guy in the comics; differently, I believe that character became female in the adaptation stage, not the casting stage.

I was thinking "She's been on 5 times?" and it took me quite a while to remember "Of course! Marble Columns!"

Two points:

Appreciate the "Beach Baby" ref in the subhead.

"And you are, of course, Beyonce".

Now, what I've been noticing is that seemingly every shot is of one or two people's faces in extreme closeup. Huge, screen-filling faces.

I thought May was doomed once they were definitely going to open that bottle after this mission, yessiree; I was wrong but not that wrong.

I will point out that Savitar says "I am the future, Flash", and the captioning renders it as such. But take out that comma…

Apparently Hopkins has more asymmetry than you'd think, in that he looks like himself and his reflection looks much less like himself.

Oddly, the wind was blowing at the moment, in that point in space, inside a warehouse, and not 2 seconds later in the next shot.

Trivia question/answer: Ed Asner won Emmys for playing Lou Grant in both a comedy (MTM) and a drama ("Lou Grant" itself). (Plus, to continue with your orginal statement, he has 2 miniseries wins.) This fact has to be updated because Uzo Aduba of Orange is the New Black has won for both comedy and drama for the same

Do the do do do, or however it's spelled.

Until this instant I just thought "cis" was a made-up prefix intended to put trans and not-trans on morphologically equal footing. Knowledge!

Veronica gave me a semi, ironically.

Yeah, I note that Flynn is not being played as a man whose every plan has been thwarted from the start, which he mostly is…