
I'm a Time Lord
I point and laugh at these people.

Am I going crazy, or did Hank drop a "FUCK" in the shower? Right before they cut to commercial. I know they've included "Fu**"s before where they censor the last half, but this one sounded uncut.

Wheres Wallace at????!!!!!!!

I love Alan Sepinwall's blog, but he runs his comment section like Nazi Germany. The AV Club comment section is like Amsterdam, no rules enforced.

Fuck following it as it "officially airs". The internet is global baby, and the large majority of Doctor Who fans reside in the UK, so why should we have to wait till the US airs it to talk about it?

Agreed about the time travel aspect. I'm a huuuuuge sucker for time travel stories(watched the "Back to the Future" trilogy atleast 15 times as a kid) and that's probably why I eat up everything Moffat does with a spoon. Although I must say the part about the Doctor being inconsistent with TARDIS felt a little too

I just don't see the point in starting watching where it's at it now. If you like it, you have to wait a week to see the next one. Why not start back at the first episode of the Eccleston run, and then you can plow through the first 4 seasons at your own pace and be caught up by the time the next season starts. Plus

Well it's obviously debatable. But imho it was the weakest just because it was the first season and they were figuring out exactly the best way to tell these stories. The episodes were simpler, and a little more geared towards children then the newer episodes. Nothing wrong with that, I just prefer the latter seasons.

Yeah, Ron, you are not alone. Even if I got BBC America, I would still be downloading the torrent. It's not like the show needs good ratings to stay on the air. It's not goin anywhere for a good 15 years. (On a side note, it's so nice to have a sci-fi show you can watch without worrying about it getting canceled

Start with season one of the RTD 2005 Doctor Who. Knowledge of the previous history of the Doctor is not needed. It's the weakest season of the current incarnation, but that's where you should start.

Seriously though
It was a great introduction to not only our new Doctor, but also the new companion. I love the backstory they've given Amy Pond, and it doesn't hurt that she just might be the cutest girl ever. I just had a big goofy smile on my face throughout the first two episodes. Brilliant start, as expected, for

Let me the be the
first to say I loved it.

Wow. DN Nation you are so fucking smart. I'm probably gonna stop what I'm doing and re-read all of your posts from the last 6 months. Thank you so fucking much for letting me know how smart you are.

No one said the pilot of the The Wire sucked. But if you are implying that after one episode of The Wire the characters were more developed then after the pilot of Treme, I'm sorry but thats bullshit. Also if you are implying that you knew how good The Wire's first season would be after one episode, I'm sorry but

That's the job of most pilots, yeah, but David Simon doesn't play that shit. He just throws you in the deep end and assumes you are smart enough to keep up.

People's expectations just must be too high because of The Wire, I swear. It was the first fucking episode. How complex do you expect these characters to be after one episode? They had to introduce a huge cast as well as do everything else pilots have to do (set tone, establish the world of show, etc). As far as

Sorry to break it to ya, but Easbound and Down hasn't even begun filming the second season. Don't hold your breath.

"i really have no idea how they're going to make this show interesting"

That was some serious

We want our film to be beautiful not realistic - I definitely agree that Jack has always been "the one" to replace Jacob. Jack was introduced to us as the guy who had to fix everyone else's problems. At the end of this season he will think he can do that by bringing ppl to the island by being the "new Jacob".