
Woulda worked much better
if it was a 2 part episode.

Skirkster, thank you thank you thank you.

Recently went back and watched The Shields last season and read the recaps on here. ZMF fuckin owned the comment section on those. ZMF is legend.

Best season is season 2 imo.

Weekly coverage!

I have just a TREMENDOUS amount of faith in Moffat and Matt Smith, I think this next series is really going to be something special. RTD has done wonders for the franchise and all, but most of my favorite episodes have been the ones that Moffat has written. Plus I also love his work on stuff other then DW(mostly the

Has an AV club reviewer ever given an episode a A+?
Just wondering because I've never seen one and this ep clearly deserves one. Only a handful of dramas have episodes this good mid-season.

Sonya Walger's Legs
were the best part of this episode.

Great fucking episode though. I knew when Gemma finally broke the news about the rape to the club that it would make for some great drama, I just didnt know it was going to be this good.

You said it was the first extra long episode of Sons but I think you forgot to add "this season". As the pilot and Season 1 finale ran 56 and 61 minutes, respectively.

Saw it coming
Because they always kill off the Black Guy first.

Like I said last week, it's like Midget Porn. I want to look away, I know I SHOULD look away, but I don't.

What about
the giant cliffhanger from last week? Pretty disappointing they keep throwing cliffhangers at us and then don't follow up on them the next episode. Like the crow thing, we still haven't learned anything about that one except some 100ft tall towers were built at the time of the crow's deaths. I feel like

They really need to
dump the Jenna character already. Or dramatically limit her screen time. She stopped being funny for me sometime towards the end of season 2 and they are clearly out of ideas for what to do with her character.

Homicide:LOTS did it better 15 years agowith the Season 3 Episode "Colors". It started out with Bollander talking about the color green, and whether or not the green he see's is the same as the green that everyone else see's. It ends with the Bayliss' cousin (who may have been unconsciously racially motivated when he

Its like midget porn
I wanna look away, I know I SHOULD look away, but I dont.

The actress they got to play her is clearly the poor mans Tricia Helfer.(with the equivalent acting skills of Ali Larter) I kept waiting for her to say "All this has happened before, and all this will happen again"

Wanna know why else this show is like Arrested Development?
Because just about every line is gold, even the throwaways. This is the only show I watch twice every week since I always miss a few jokes because I'm too busy laughing at the previous one.

"was the one bright spot of funny in the ep"
wat? This was probably the funniest ep in the series. Which is remarkable considering the plot and intensity of it all.