
In that picture
Chuck looks about 20 years older than he is.

I actually enjoyed it quite a bit, thought it was one of the better one-off villain episodes in recent memory. Good performance by the lead villain and for once they actually had a decent back story. Also some good interaction between Amy's fiance and the Doctor. Plus it added some shading to the main arc of the

I really enjoy the LOOK of the new intro , but the SOUND of it just angers me.

Speaking of the music of WHO, does anyone else hate the new intro? At first all you can hear is the lightning and shit, the drums are totally toned down and the classic theme is barely audible. Once the credits start rolling it gets a little better, but I'm still really disappointed every time I hear it.

Yup I burned through "Jekyll" over the course of a weekend. The last episode didn't quite do it for me, but it was a great ride nonetheless.

Completely agree about the daleks and pretty much said the same thing in that episode's discussion.

This is the Doctor Who I love. A million times better than "Victory of the Daleks".

You may know this already, but Paul Rudd was originally supposed to play Henry when they were gonna develop this at HBO. But HBO did "Entourage" instead and Paul Rudd became a movie star.

Movies were so much better
when they weren't all aimed towards 14 year old boys. Just sayin'.

Plus some of the good parts of "Entourage", if that makes sense.

I'd say it's a mix of "The Office" and "It's Always Sunny".

Err, Padre's manager.

The Dodger's manager's name is BUD BLACK.


Dude, I was just joking cuz they kinda look alike.

Detlef Schrempf - one of the all time great names
"Ohhhh it's Jerry's sex night?! That ruins sex AND tonight!"

Martha Plimpton
is the poor man's Katee Sackhoff.

So just to be clear, you thought this episode was FANTASTIC, right?

Came here to post that same thing word for word. I was bored halfway through it. Pretty much hated this episode.

Breaking Bad is easily the best show on TV right now, cmon.