
no, it's just Terius.

It's not just that, but UK rave (dating back to the late 80s) moves and changes at a pretty rapid rate. Since the first wave of UKG / 2 step died out there have been several other distinct styles that've followed in its wake.

if it's season 7, then it's definitely something that's been going on under our noses.

if it's season 7, then it's definitely something that's been going on under our noses.

while I would say that "Improbable Cause" and "The Die is Cast" are my favorite episodes of the entire franchise, am I really the only person who thinks DS9 became truly great much earlier? Like with "Duet"?

while I would say that "Improbable Cause" and "The Die is Cast" are my favorite episodes of the entire franchise, am I really the only person who thinks DS9 became truly great much earlier? Like with "Duet"?

I'd go so far as to say it might be the best episode(s) in the entire franchise.

I'd go so far as to say it might be the best episode(s) in the entire franchise.

First Puffy album is a lot of fun, and the Diddy — Dirty Money project was gold. More r&b tho.

First Puffy album is a lot of fun, and the Diddy — Dirty Money project was gold. More r&b tho.

Generally the pilots are pretty good, but there's always the concern of whether or not they have enough material to make it an ongoing series.

Generally the pilots are pretty good, but there's always the concern of whether or not they have enough material to make it an ongoing series.

"Okay, Dukat. In this next one.. your frustration with the Bajoran workers needs to reach a fever pitch."

"Okay, Dukat. In this next one.. your frustration with the Bajoran workers needs to reach a fever pitch."

"Civil Defense" is a fantastic DS9 episode, and one of my favorite things about it is picturing Dukat recording all of those warnings.

"Civil Defense" is a fantastic DS9 episode, and one of my favorite things about it is picturing Dukat recording all of those warnings.

I had the title and the titular line in "Defiant"

I had the title and the titular line in "Defiant"

"Distant Voices" is aggressively mediocre as is "Life Support", but a lot of the other episodes being mentioned here are pretty great.

"Distant Voices" is aggressively mediocre as is "Life Support", but a lot of the other episodes being mentioned here are pretty great.