Rob Defina

I feel like the plan was always Laura B.
They made it seem like it was Vytas to throw us off and then edited it to seem like a shocker. But in truth, I think Monica and Tina are still tight to their original 5 alliance from Galang (or at least that's what they're hoping), so keeping Vytas gives them a 6th and Katie a

Agreed on the pre-merge cleaning feel
I think it worked perfectly that the 11 at merge are all people who have potential to win this game

Finally got rid of the last cast member who should have never been cast.
I feel like now we are left with a great cast for this merge, with either Laura M or John returning.
I have NO idea who's going to win this game anymore because there is so much even editing and I would say most people have a great chance… I'm


This episode would have been great if I didn't see that ending IN THE PREVIEW FROM LAST WEEK wtf.
I'm not entirely sold on this story anymore it's just so empty, they NEED to make this more riveting.

Not happy about them revealing basically the entire film in that trailer
But I do love the look of the arena, it's just as vivid as I imagined it

I would have enjoyed them actually doing BLOOD vs WATER
as in Vytas, Aras, Katie, Tina, Kat, Hayden on one tribe and the solos - Tyson, Gervase, Caleb, Monica, Ciera, Laura B - on the other

During Colton's After Show interview he eluded to someone being very upset at their loved one at Redemption. I can only see this happening between Kat and Hayden. Maybe Aras/Vytas but not as intense.

I don't know if anyone here ever watched Hayden's season on Big Brother, but is it just me or is Survivor a WAY better fit for him? I'm actually rooting for him this season tbh.
I want him to be the reason Tyson goes SOOOOO BADLY

Anyone else thinking that Kat will be upset when Hayden says he doesn't want to switch with her?

I'm assuming next week we get another vote - Laura B or Aras/Tyson depending on which tribe loses.
Then we merge after this. So if it's Laura, Laura and John - my bet is Laura M gets back. If it's Aras/Tyson, Laura, John - my bet is Aras/Tyson gets back.
This is all merely speculation but it seems to fit.
I would love to

it was a really uncomfortable tribal. Just redundancy and everyone awkwardly calling each other out. It was a weird spectacle but it definitely showcased how little Kat has learned since her first Survivor run

maybe they were in Tina's bag the whole time?

Start with season 16 - Micronesia. That was the turning point for Survivor, as far as I'm concerned. That's where it became great

I know people have said "Vote them out before they vote you out" but it has never been so perfectly worded I don't think

If Tyson is, indeed, being setup for a fall, then it is happening soon because they are building to a peak on it.
The likelihood is he will tell everyone on Tadhana he wants Aras out and Hayden will go to Aras with this information (due to ties with Vytas), in hopes of aligning with Aras and taking Tyson down.

I'm sincerely hoping Tyson's plan to get Aras out blows up in his face, but it looks like they're setting it up to be the biggest game move ever.
That being said, Monica's quote about "Do unto others BEFORE they do unto you" was probably the most winner-worthy quote ever and I could totally see her winning just cause

even when the 5 person alliance was formed, it was Monica's confessional that voiced it over; so that says something about her progress I think.
Although this week, Tina's uncertainty on how to perceive Monica may be a sign that the mistrust may work against one of them in the future.

Tyson's been giving me winner vibes but so has Monica.
And to be honest I see her in a better position than him in the end just based on the fact that Tyson and Gervase will prob pull the same moves and take each other, evening out the votes.

I loved the episode start to finish. Thought Craig was a slight over-actor but I enjoyed April's attempt at mocking Tynnyfer (with 2 y's) and I loved Leslie flipping out about Ann leaving. It was very much what I would expect her reaction to be like.