Rob Defina

can we all just forget about the money and hope the best player wins the game regardless of what he/she does with it?

I think anyone can honestly understand that they would want to switch.
Even Tyson asked Rachel and said it was up to her and no one was upset about it.
I think everyone relates to the conflict of wanting to switch with your loved one and once Brad loses to Candice and John (which I'm assuming is next week's events),

we're already down to 13 in game and 3 at redemption
if we merge at 12 than we're looking at 2 more tribal councils to bring us to 11 and then a returnee

Anyone else getting tired of the loved ones losing? I'm wondering if that's what is making the show so exciting though because I don't see the same strategy going on at Galang.

The clip they used for that Laura M confessional was from after last week's immunity challenge. They had it up on their website as a deleted scene. It kind of made Laura seem more like a dick to say "I knew she couldn't beat me at the puzzle" than to say "I knew I was physically stronger and she wouldn't be able to do

Just would like to point out that "Felina" is also an anagram for Finale.
Such a great ending to the best season of television I've ever watched. 

Great episode again. The family twists have added so many more layers to the strategy and I loved the reasoning for getting Rachel out.
Stray observations of my own:
- that shed snake skin shot was mind blowing and I loved the relativity to Colton and Monica's stories
- Current winner predictions: Monica, Vytas, Katie,