Rob Defina

That felt borderline Disney-channel. And not just because of Hudgens.

I agree that the Olaf disguise repetition gets tedious (Mr. Poe especially. I really don't enjoy Freeman in the role), but the books does do this pretty much up until the 8th instalment. What's great to see is *Minor Spoiler* they changed up The Miserable Mill enough to let the story breathe in a different way, and it

Side thought: How wonderful would it be if Gary just gets lost in that hot air balloon and goes missing and no one bothers to care or notice… and then he ends up landing on some island somewhere and is worshipped as God.
Man I wish I wrote for this show.

I think Two Funerals was a lot less worthy of an A than Johnny Karate but it is what it is. Did anyone else feel those commercials were almost an unintentional callback to Veridian Dynamics from Better Off Ted?

I think what happened to Reed tonight is a testament to why this season has been lagging. The majority of people are TERRIBLE at strategy. And while it made for entertaining TV, someone like Reed who is clearly manipulative and calculating can't even flourish. Poor guy.
Natalie is looking like the clear winner at this

Yeah for a season where the strategy has been utterly barren, Natalie is truly thinking her ass off out there, and it's entertaining as well.

I think Gervase and Aras were pre-aligned prior to this game so I could definitely see the boys voting Gerv

I find Monica very likeable, she is just paranoid in this game and it's gone too far. I like all of her confessionals and I really enjoyed seeing interactions between her and Brad. They might've been my favourite team out here, minus Aras and Vytas

Don't watch the other preview it literally might as well reveal the entire tribal council.

prediction: Ciera's fault.


Vytas and Caleb down in the same night. Seems like all the likeable people are getting burned at once.
I have literally flip flopped back and forth about who I think is going to win all season, but after the way Aras and Vytas sneered at Tyson during tribal tonight, I'm calling a Gervase win.

Anyone else think this episode MAY have proceeded to show Ciera as being this amazing strategist but only to set her up for a downfall via Tyson next week?
That scene where he says "Ciera is smarter than we thought" just won't sit right with me.

Is Hayden going to win Survivor? It almost seems so likely right now.

Agreed. And why can't I rate each episode? What the hell

I think she thinks it's Brody's but it's the guy she slept with. I don't see why else they would put that stuff in about the random one night stands she had with him. It's almost as if the baby is the excuse she's using on herself to resurrect Brody's name.

Anne is the Michael to this show's Arrested Development - not a particularly funny character but someone who points out the ridiculousness of the rest.

Ron: "I thought you were serious!"
Donna: "Cmon, you know I don't give a *BLEEEP*"

Now Netflix can pick up Happy Endings and I will be able to sleep at night again

Best show since Happy Endings