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Jacob having "no choice"?
I didn't get the whole "you have a choice, unlike I did" line to the candidates. Um, what? "Across the Sea" showed us that Jacob just did what his mother told him and didn't question anything she said for even a millisecond. Granted maybe he didn't know how to get off the island, but he

Sloppy writing
The kid asks the mother, "What is 'dead'?"

What about the button?
If the Black Rock crashed on the island because Jacob can just make that happen if he so chooses, are we to believe the same about Oceanic 815? And if so, then what was the point of the button-pushing back in the day, and the 108 minutes, and the numbers?

just a B+?!?
I was on the edge of my seat throughout this entire episode, which I think had to be one of the season's best (along with last week's). I felt like I was living through this pivotal moment in history. It was pitch-perfect of them to have it happen about 20 minutes in, seemingly cutting off other plot

Agree on all counts. If 30 Rock is one of the best shows on television, and I agree it probably is, that's a pretty sad statement about television given its wild inconsistencies.

david cross

still basking in the warm, glowing, warming glow
of saturday night's elephant 6 show. jeff's presence aside, it was the most fun celebration i've been a part of in a long time.

B is too high for this one
I seem to be in the minority, but I thought this film was just awful. I love the Coens, so I can't understand how they just threw this together with almost no thought at all. The jokes were terribly unfunny, the characters were all forced and inconsistent, and the whole thing was just

sad to see mark go
i always found mark to be the most fun on the show, without edging towards the unlikable (cough, spike). i'm quite sad to see him go — and have to wonder about tom c. wolfing down his dish and then trashing it. i think a lot of the editing on top chef is way more obvious than on similar shows

another office party
The Office has seriously disappointed me this season, I have to say. I love the characters, and Season 2 was its best season so far in my opinion — fully distanced/Americanized from the British original and with absolutely hilarious, incisive episodes that could be silly without being

i can't take the av club seriously anymore
why do you even grade anything when almost everything gets a B, even a movie where an animated uncle sam sings 'i want you'? this site has turned into the most apologetic lovefest ever, for both movies and albums.

bravo zack handlen
You could not be more right. The real tragedy of the Simpsons post-season 9 is that the heart vanishes. The Homer of "Do it For Her" is gone, and the family doesn't seem to even care for each other.

Come on, Steven
Rather than posit more arguments that will spawn more irritating comments, I'll just say I completely agree with Steven on the Crosstalk, as did several others — we have to hear your review, or the commenting will never cease.

that's the joke
I find it odd that none of these Simpsons features are addressing the giant elephant in the room: the fact that all of these quotes, scenes, or moments that have been referenced in this week's features took place, for the most part, 10 years ago or earlier. Yes, the Simpsons was brilliant in its prime

quarter pounder with cheese?
Well, I can picture the cheese, but…

i go online, i go click click click
Kelly Kapoor WOULD love this movie!

that is all is spot on
this blog at least used to be funny, even when attacking the most obvious targets in all of pop culture. now it's just lazy. and not very interesting. honestly, it seems to be indicative of the trend happening to the av club — it's getting less and less edgy and refreshing every day, and

broken record
at least make some funny, non-obvious, non-repetitive observations with this stuff if you're constantly going to attack the same boring people. this just seems … lazy.