
spot-on review
Interesting that you mentioned "You're Pretty Good Looking (For a Girl)" here; Pitchfork cited it as a song whose sound is completely absent on this album. I couldn't disagree with them more — Icky Thump, to me, is infused with a little bit of the signature sound from each of their albums, especially

totally awesome
these guys can't put out an album i don't absolutely love. jack gives such great interviews. i can't wait for that gondry video, hope it happens.

agreement with lobsters
seriously. that journey song is cheesy fun, just like that scrubs episode is. if a song you wrote was being used in one of the most-watched, most critically acclaimed television shows in recent memory, you'd jump up and down too. can we enjoy nothing these days that isn't snarky and cynical?

agreement with zack/lemur
I think, as was stated earlier by these two, that the most disappointing element of the POTC sequels has been the total disregard for the integrity of the characters that was set up in the first (fine) installment in the series. In both the second and third movies, all the characters'

Piratelover, I could say the exact same thing to you — don't waste people's time by writing good reviews for horrifically bad movies. But that would be ridiculous, because we're all stating opinions, not facts.

oh my god
I just saw this movie. I really think Gore Verbinski and both screenwriters should be tried for making people sit through this. The trial will be long-winded, completely convoluted, will involve various negotiations and exchanges that are completely pointless, will seem like it's ending five times, and

It seems like the Hater is more upset about the implication that Sid Vicious is in heaven than about the general creepiness and total lack of respect for the dead that these ads reek of (especially Kurt Cobain, come on). Yes, it's totally ridiculous to imply that anyone is in heaven, especially someone who

This review is so superior in tone; what's the deal with that? "Here's where paying attention helps" — do you consider your readers a bunch of toddlers with ADD? I get the impression here that catchy music that one likes upon the first listen is infinitely inferior to mellow music that takes a few listens to

A B+ for Yankee Hotel Foxtrot? Seriously? That is the most surprising thing I think I've ever read on here. I agree with adamrobert12 — it's one of the best albums of this decade.

perhaps an attic shall i seek
I don't know … I love David Cross, and I really think the overwrought delivery in that scene was intentional mimicry of Howard K. Stern, as andrew said. That kind of thing is what Cross does best, as his performance as Tobias Funke proves.

disappointing live
i have to chime in with my experience of seeing m. ward live — he was really disappointing. maybe it was just that particular night, but he had people plaster the stage with signs that said "THE ARTIST REQUESTS NO PHOTOGRAPHY," and didn't address the crowd once. it would have been forgivable if

oh come on. i look to the far end of the index for the most unbelievable bullshit culture has to offer. evite?? hardly unbearable. it's a centralized place to keep track of who's coming/who isn't. do you hate facebook events just as much?

watch out, radioactive man
it seriously depresses me that such a lame band has appropriated a killer simpsons reference in its band name.

collective soul
actually, i read somewhere that collective soul has already come out and responded to the killer's obsession with 'shine down,' saying something along the lines of that not being the important focus right now, and that people should be focusing on remembering the victims, not what song lyrics this kid

tonight's episode
case in point for those of us who cannot understand all the praise for 30 rock. incredibly obvious setups (an AA meeting? who didn't see that coming?), irritating antics from minor characters, an unfunny dream sequence and a completely wasted will arnett. i am so, so confused about the hype about

another 'meh' to 30 rock
i'm a huge fan of the office and arrested development — i don't think the underwhelming effect of 30 rock on some people has anything to do with a lack of laugh track. i really have tried to get into 30 rock, but there's something always off about it to me. the characters seem very

you lost me at amy poehler
i love the office and mindy kaling — my favorite kelly kapoor moment has to be her filling in jim on what's happened in her life since he left (brad and angelina's baby, tom and katie's baby, etc.). but "amy poehler is flawless"? really? have you watched weekend update the last few

Finally some well-placed Grey's Anatomy hating. You have to give Scrubs credit for the dig at Grey's on last week's episode — they took a shot at the cheesy, oversimplified monologue aspect of the show, and parodied it.

I find it bizarre that people (maybe just a person) think it's "disappointing" for Ted Leo to align himself with a political ideology. Would you be disappointed if he stood for something you personally agreed with? Doubtful. I respect him for standing for something at all, especially in a music

seconf 6fu
come on, no six feet under here is a travesty! it's probably the best opening credits sequence i can think of on any show ever. also, i totally second the bbc office as well.