CS Clark

Or a press conference with the 45th president of the United States.

I'm sure I heard of a kid named Sundance.


Also called lassi. And doogh.

You mean lassi? I actually quite like them if it's a very hot day and for some reason I don't want to start drinking beer yet. But of course it wouldn't taste nice if you just have a plain salt one. Try adding cumin. .

Don't be a braunholer.

After years of disappointment with groping multinational cable plans, I know I'm gonna not get groped by this multinational… and with cable!

Da Comrade ah t'ink mebbe dat yo righ' n'uff dere me boyo.

It's not the only determinant obviously, can vary from child to child and if you are brought up in a culture which uses a lot of spices you will be more used to it than someone who wasn't. That's not the same thing as saying that in all those cultures all children of all ages have exactly the same preferences for

CSI: Cypher

This comment started intriguingly but the payoff was a big letdown.

And people can point to anything and say that it doesn't really accomplish anything. Late night TV jokes, acts of journalism, open letters, protests, turning up at town halls, contacting your representative, voting. But if you dismiss these things you won't eventually end up with the one thing that will work, you'll


Get out of your bubble! Join us in this bubble!

*media immediately files innumerable articles, essays, listicles and thinkpieces on how Hillary Clinton's Instagram acount will impact on whether she will run again*

Everyone tells me you are a fake, but I believe in you. P.S.: If you really are a fake, don't tell me. I don't want to know.

It's in reference to the giant ant that won Best Picnic Ruining just because it was a giant ant.

There are actual physiological changes that happen to children's ability to taste, which is why they can be so goddam irritating slow to appreciate good food. Some flavours can be overwhelming, which is why they don't like roasted broccoli whith chillies and anchovies unless it's smothered in ketchup or mayonnaise or

Oh, it was on the gameshow Jeopardy
Which I am reliably informed is shown on the telly
That the host of the show, one Alexander Trebek,
Who I am told does not have anything odd regarding his neck,
Failed to ask a question regarding the wreck
That occurred on the occasion of the disaster on the River Tay
Although it happened