CS Clark

No president, no president. You're the president!


And if you take cranberries and stew them like applesauce they taste much more like prunes than rhubarb does.

Untrue. The Penguin has a sense of humour.

His followers would all shave their heads as well to prove their loyalty, in addition to ordering steak well-done and lusting after their daughters.

Lex Luthor, but with hemorrhoids - slightly unusually, on his neck.

It's always handless o'clock somewhere in the world.

Bene Gesserit witch!

'And the Oscar for Best Castle goes to the Castle of argghhhhh'

An ebbing tide lowers all boats.

I think I remember a time when people were… really excited? About 3D glasses or something?

It's just the same game they play with everyone. Do you care about fairer distribution of resources but are not poor? Then you're a hypocrite because you don't give all your money to the poor until you are poor so why should we listen to you. Do you care about fairer distribution of resources and are poor? Then you're

Well in the Arrow-verse we know that there were Mystery Men and Women in WWII with actual factual superpowers. So… why not?

At some point all that praise for Quentin, Joe, all the Wellses and, uh, Calista Flockhart was bound to get back to the producers.

No Coco! You're the Coco!



There's this dude - stop me if you heard it before - whose whole life is shaped by the death of a parent and also his planet being destroyed and he's the only survivor.


Uranusocracy seems about right.