CS Clark

So, Tom Cruise runs like Rincewind, is what I'm getting from this. How is this a bad thing?

My father - parish priest of St Joseph’s church in Shirebrook, Nottingham - had met my mother after he agreed to ‘instruct’ her for admission to the Catholic Church in anticipation of her marriage to a young collier. Father Hattersley had performed the wedding ceremony. Two weeks later the priest and the bride ran

The scary thing is that she said 'I told you God’s not through with you.' As if being CEO of Exxon Mobil was Phase I of God's plan.

He will if he thinks it can pass the House, and fuck the Senate let them take the blame.

I'm not sure that he deserves congrats for being so evil that he thinks this replacement bill doesn't go far enough and for being so dumb that he doesn't realise a bill that goes further than this will fuck up many other Republicans who do have to worry about reelection.

He thinks passing a healthcare bill that would leave more people uninsured than just repealing the ACA will gain 10 seats in the senate.

Or "Unpresidented".

Talking about the time-travelling Observer from a nightmarish future sent back to try to avert our own species' self-immolation is only a distraction from more important issues!

Batman: The Brave and the Bold's Music Meister episode is the dog's proverbials.

TROLL in the newsroom!

Oh come on, when did a US president ever do secret deals that would benefit the Iranian regime except for that one time?

I don't see why I should listen to a person who has a non-zero chance of being a computer simulation.

And the best bit of Watchman was the opening credits. Once more and it's a trend.

I don't think Superman Returns is truly bad - instead, worse than that, it's boring. But there are two scenes in it that belong in a much, much better movie.

Slightly but not completely off-topic but holy shit do they drink a lot in the Arrowverse. Even the aliens and cyborgs and cyborg aliens. And none of that wussy 'I've had a hard day so I will pour myself 1⁄8 of a gill of bourbon and then barely look at it.' No, it's healthy measures all round, chin-chin and here's

There was a drink I was introduced to at university that was Drambuie, Cointreau and, I think, meths, where it was served lit and you were supposed to slam your hand down on it so that the flame burned away the oxygen creating vacuum suck at which point you could lift it up with cupped hand and shake before slamming

Though much is taken, much abides; and though
We are not now that strength which in old days
Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are —
One equal temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.

When Bill Maher has them on his show for shits and giggle and his trademark hard-hitting interview style obviously.

Sure, I voted for it, but I didn't think they'd actually DO it!