CS Clark

Bear in mind that approval ratings with certain groups also depends on the number of people who self-identify with that group. The number of people who identified as Republican went up to c. 32% during Bush's years and was then down to 28% by '08. In 2015 it was at 26%. His high approval ratings with Republicans won't

It feels like it's been four years already. Wow, time sure move differently here in hell.

Oh for sure they'll bitch about her, but since she'll be wandering the woods looking for signs of intelligent life instead of voting in the Senate I don't think they will be able to keep focused and the effect of the whining on the American People and their Infinite Wisdom will be less than it will when it comes to

You leave Hartsfield-Jackson Swampscott alone!

A giant rotting clown face you say? And would the cost include Postage and Packaging and hiring Tangina Barrons?

I always get him mixed up with Malcom Merlyn on Arrow.

Unfortunately the air traffic controller's instructions were merely 'I don't know, fly casual.'

Paxman's a flippin' arsehole who admitted he only asked that question multiple times because he couldn't think of what to do next and whose signature style of 'why is this bastard lying to me' has directly lead to the situation we are in now, because if everyone is a liar then there's no such thing as truth.

A Farewell To Arms Not Sometimes Being Bent Back

The president likes maps. The maps really do stay with him, and talk to him, in the night. When he is alone the maps tell him what to do.

The Let Go Of Batman Movie

So basically her tricks are exactly the sort of thing every responsible parent tries to get their child to stop doing before the age of 10?

I hear he hung major dong. By which I mean there may be evidence that while he was National Security Adviser he arranged for the hanging of Major Dong to help cover up his war crimes.

I've started hiding tattered copies of Umberto Eco novels in railway sidings and under park benches. That's how reverse psychology works, right?

I'll say!

Transcribing old episodes of Wheel of Fortune?

He will totally take credit for this.

If nudity is normal, does that mean an interview with Ta-Nehisi Coates will have nude pictures of Ta-Nehisi Coates?

I can't get this thing back in my pants, Earl!

And Porthos.