CS Clark

Oh, my sweet summer child. Sponsored content is when a fun and original article about the best ways of using whipped cream on Valentine's Day didn't spontaneously erupt from the mind of the editor but was suggested in a note that came attached to a crate of Reddi-wip. Rewriting press releases is journalism.

I like everything about this except the name Forager, which makes me think of someone who got their superpowers by sticking to their Paleo diet. Which they learned at Paleo Academy.

With the type I'm thinking of, the only consistent note is that whatever 'their' side is doing is Wrong. They were there for Obama, doing their part in giving the ACA negative approval ratings because it wasn't single-payer, and they will be there for Tammy Duckworth, repeating Trump's claim that she is a dangerous

Hey! Mr. Tamblyn Man, play a song for me

"I'm like a really good Batman. I'm better at being vengeance, the night, than almost I think anyone."

Not pass tax cuts for the wealthy.

It is a stone cold certainty that in 2020 her likeability ratings will be a lot higher. And probably will be higher than some of those actually running (which won't include her because that article is bullshit) because there will have been four years of self-identified liberals calling Booker a shill and Gillibrand a

And also Hungerford. Although at the time, while the Hungerford Massacre led to stricter gun controls, people though unrestricted access to horror films was the real problem.

The A.V. Club

When he dropped him off he would say "You must go on, I can't go on, I'll go on."

If only they had thought of a different TLA for CGI that's only one letter away from something sexy.

I liked the eyebrow. It made me feel the eyebro wasn't taking it too seriously.

No, they're professional turdmouths. Bloody demarcation!

Please use his stage name, Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson The Klown.

No, that's Bill Maher.


The last British guy to make a living being a professional shitweasel*, Toby Young, ended up being a minor player in the British version of Charter Schools. So I guess what I'm saying is, won't somebody think of the children?

She's pretty but she makes jokes! If she had any respect for the artform she would throw acid in her own face! Then we could properly appreciate the vagina-based humour.

Well it would be weird if she spent all her time talking about *your* vagina.