CS Clark

Final Crisis

The characters Don and George from the C4 sketch show Absolutely got their own show, Mr Don & Mr George, but that was really just an extended version of the sketches.

Really? Who would refer to East Berlin in that manner in the context of the 90s when German Reunification occurred on 3 October 1990, the very start of the decade? Something is fishy here.

Them? You mean… giant ants?

The knives and forks are also made of chicken.

As long as they don't forget the first rule of comedy: Never speak disparagingly, even in passing, of anything that Real Americans like.

Hello? It's like you've not even heard of Kellyanne Conway's one-woman show Don't Listen To My Words, Look In My Heart!

There was a 2004 film about the Edelweiss Pirates, called Edelweiss Pirates.

It's a good thing it's not a competition, because if it was a competition Agents of Shield would have kidnapped and tortured all the other competitors because all the competitors are evil and, in all likelihood, secret Nazis.

I wonder if there's some kind of contextual information which would explain why this is more of a thing than that time Bill Clinton said he really liked the film Deep Armageddon.

Twelve Years A Barbershop

Of course they know - they're master baiters.

You can not-hate something, like it even, but at the same time feel it is so unnecessary to experience again that you will take active steps to skip it.

I second the shenanigans call. I had to look it up to find out what it was, and it turns out I've drunk gallons of 'Scotch Ale' while in Scotland and being Scottish and I never knew it.

Based on my own assumptions of skippableness, "Paddy's Pub: The Worst Bar in Philadelphia", "The Gang Cracks the Liberty Bell", "The Great Recession", "Gun Fever Too" and, um, the whole first Frankless season.

I am actually done with the comedy aspects of that show. It was funny for the first thirty seasons or so to see the farcial attempts of a bunch of incompetent buffoons to understand the confusing world around them, but the inability to develop real characters and to instead continue to rely on caricatures with

Real talk: your children might come to Death Grips on their own at a time when they are ready both emotionally and physically if you are lucky. It is much more likely that they will be introduced to Death Grips by someone else. Again, if you are lucky, they will be ready for it and it will be by a close friend or

"The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn't make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and

My So-Called Life Debt

The other side of that is, 55-45 is a blowout.