CS Clark

Is it that white votes don't actually count as 1.6 black votes?

For someone who admires Cornel West so much, you sure have a fuck of a hard time spelling his name right. Or was the extra L added by Corporate Media?

If you don't give your kids small doses of mediocre movies when they are young, they'll grow up without built-in immunity to mediocre movies and then they'll choose to watch Gnomeo and Juliet instead of My Neighbour Totoro.

Tonight, tonight,
Will be just any night…

There was a 90s BBC miniseries called Takin' Over the Asylum (featuring a young David Tennant!) that did this kind of story properly, viz. it didn't pretend that mental illness is anything other than a shitty thing to have to deal with while at the same time making it clear that people who have to deal with mental


Read 50% of Suetonius' The Twelve Caesars.

Isn't that also what Stan Lee thought was great about Doctor Doom?

He would have checked Bob Loblaw's Law Blog, but probably felt that if people thought it was unseemly he would be accused of a Bob Loblaw's Law Blog Low Blow.

It's an interesting ploy to pre-claim about elections being rigged in a period when federal court after federal court is striking down Republican voter ID laws on the grounds that they were intended to disenfranchise people who don't vote Republican.

You know who runs businesses that depend on immigrant labour? Hint: He is the Republican candidate for president.

Oh, oh, oh. We want to learn how to defend ourselves against pointèd sticks, do we? Getting all high and mighty, eh?

This will probably get lost amidst the worst stuff, but apparently Donald Trump has decided his path to the White House leads over the backs of fire marshals intent on enforcing maximum occupancy restrictions.

I'm pretty sure that there is a non-trivial chance of them abandoning these Olympics in the middle.

I think that's Peter Thiel's new startup.

It's not back to being the case that everything except box office is just a nice little extra though. Maybe it would be good it it was, although I doubt it.

I guess that must be a different social media from the one referenced in the article that interacted with Leslie Jones in a playful, jovial manner.


Isn't the rule of thumb if you get your production back during the cinematic run you'll make a profit when all the DVD, streaming etc. rights kick in?

So many of his supporters are there because he's a 'winner' that it will be interesting to see if a prolonged droop (phrasing) in the polls causes them to abandon him. Because as well all know voting for a loser makes you a loser.