CS Clark

I wonder if Assange will be asked about his little spat with Snowden.

I object to Sharknado. I object to intellect without discipline. I object to power without constructive purpose.

Isn't 'Conveniently Ignoring The Facts' his actual campaign slogan?

You can mock all you want, but I tried her nostalgia waxing and I've never looked back.

I don't see what's bizarre about suggesting that some women are so good at sex that they can brainwash men with their sex and that the only way to avoid this is to be even better at sex, and also the umpteenth generation human-computer clone of a dashing handsome swordsman.

That is not the dead body I was referring to.


Igby Goes Down Under

Well, that's the other 25%.

You say that, but as I understand it Peter Jackson will get his hands on The Simarillion over his dead body.

Because it's 75% John Carpenter's The Thing, and that rocked?

If the joke is that the NSA is incompetent, your not being arrested would not render it worthless.

Because that's what comic syndicates are well known for. Quality control.

Either writing a memoir at any age is presumptuous - because why would I want to know about your life? - or there should be no age limit on writing a memoir.

Wrath of Khan isn't just my favourite Star Trek movie, or one of my favourite movies, it's also the best Star Trek movie, and that should be understood by all objective observers even if they prefer other movies for personal reasons. There is not one wasted minute in that film, not one scene where you're unsure how

After the election, when these people go to their weekly crystal rebirthing ceremony, or whatever the fuck it is they do for fun, they will talk about how terrible the government is because it hasn't immediately turned the US into their idea of what Sweden is. They will then take it in turns to claim that this has

Noam Chomsky has been saying people should vote for Clinton, in swing states at least. Noam Chomsky.

Imagine how much booze you would need if Trump wins.

You should have used a shmear merchant. Or Sean Connery.

Is it the haircut?