CS Clark

Don't forget Ragin' Martin O'Malley!

For one thing, he didn't outsource espionage on the DNC to foreigners.

It can be two things.

SPOILER ALERT: If you don't like this news, kill yourself.

First one, then t'other.

The FIFA Movie, United Passions? Yes, that was was amazing.

Bill O'Reilly was defending the use of slave labour to build… well the White House, but I guess by extension everything on the grounds that they weren't starved to death, so it wasn't slavery slavery. This from the people who brought you welfare is slavery, food stamps are slavery, unions are slavery, public education

He left a chemtrail of love.

They're at home… washing their tights!

I KNOW! Seriously, what the helling hell? He stiffed a bunch of twirling uberpatriotic tweens! Even Hitler paid his backup dancers.

Well yes, that was my facetious way of referring back to the people who were OUTRAGED that it wasn't going to be front and centre in the TV show. Which I can see their point, because how many chances do you get for that sort of honest representation, but at the same time it was as you say glossed over in the source. I

There was a speaker at the RNC who said he was going to go off script. Only trouble was, journalists could see his teleprompter from where they were sitting, including the words on the teleprompter about him going off script, as well as all the subsequent words he read.

I thought everyone knew this by now?

I can't wait to find out which small business he will threaten to refuse to pay next.

For reals? Holy shit, and I was just being facetious. Oh well, that's what's got to happen now.

You're thinking of Justice League Shite.

Well it would be the perfect opportunity to get Constantine's bisexuality back in the mix. You know, the one defining trait that is constantly in the comics but was glossed over for TV.

seven hours and fifteen days since you took your love away?

Non, Je Ne Ann-Margret Rien

This is a love attack. I know it went out but it's back. It's just like any fad, it retracts before impact. And just like fashion it's a passion for the with it and hip. If you got the goods they'll come and buy it just to stay in the clique.