CS Clark

What disagrees with Jill Stein is heresy. What agrees with Jill Stein is superfluous.

Did I miss the Tim LaHaye newswire?

I think it means they have control of the Anti-Life Equation.

Oh I see what they're saying. Apparently my life doesn't matter.

But much like their national security policies, their sexual security policies involve shirtless Vladimir Putin and a horse.

"America is great"

I assumed the line 'I live in a house built by slaves' was Michelle plagiarising Melania.

Let's all listen to the man with three marriages, at least six bankruptcies and an inability to borrow money in his own country on how to conduct brinkmanship negotiations!

I heard that when he comes up from the bottom too quickly he gets the bends.

I bet we'll all really enjoy it right up until that asshole with the big S on his chest appears and ruins it for everyone.

I keep telling you - he's 99 years old and he's dead.

No need to carp on about it.

Current or former?

The Ice Sharks are gonna have their way tonight.

Counterpoint: Umberto Eco's definition of pornography is where it takes longer to go from A to B than you would like.

It was so weird - depending on which source you consulted (and where they had placed and pointed their mics) it was anything from the entire convention hall ready to burn DWS in effigy to a bunch of Californians acting like West Coast assholes to one guy yelling loudly for a bit before being shushed to the entire

I remember Republicans praising Putin's rugged masculinity and saying that he was a real leader. Even back then they were a bit whiffy on the subject.

Sidenote: POTUS, FLOTUS and V-POTUS are all popular by comparison and should be very popular with the Democrat base but by historical standards they're meh. Although that's probably more to do with the American public's changing standards than anything they've actually done.

I especially like the fact that they're still convinced that Bernie would be able to force his agenda past Republican obstruction through sheer force of will even though he can't get a few hippies to stop shouting.
