CS Clark

Vast majority?

Thankfully I have one option that the DNC doesn't.

They were chanting to drown out Elijah Cummings talking about Black Lives Matter and his dead father. If I call the people doing that - and remember, I do not consider them representative of the millions who supported Sanders - children, that's me being polite.

People who jumped on a bandwagon that's left them behind? Between the polls showing the 90% of consistent Bernie supporters who will vote Clinton and that not all Bernie supporters are acting up like spoiled children and the fact that those who do are, y'know, ignoring what Bernie is saying to them I just don't think

Right, the party that they have all been members and supporters of for years.

I'm not sure it's fair to call them Bernie supporters, tbh.

They do seem concerned that there's no toilet paper in the bathrooms. It's a legitimate complaint, I just don't think it's the way to go about it.

Yeah right. Let's see if they can manage to chant a four-word slogan.

I think the Juggalos are a bit more diverse. And polite.

This country doesn't need any more nepotism.

Topian? Ewwww.

Skin colour absolute, hair colour negotiable. Got it.

If we're going by the comics, shouldn't Barry be more, how shall we say, Nordic?

Well know, at any rate.

Ate you suggesting that Comic-Con is a comic con?

All a bit pointless, as 97% of comic fans use the power of anhedonia, as represented by the colour taupe.

Welp, time to restart the universe again! Now is it getting rid of or reintroducing alternate Earths this time?

Something simple, like Percy, Willy or John. Although, actually, he should honour Batman's dad, so John Thomas it is!

People who dub singing for other, more famous movie stars… it feels like there could be a musical in that. Or at least the romantic story part of a musical. You might have to bulk it up with some other stuff, a comic number, some flashbacks, maybe some kind of weird ballet-type thing.

I thought she was an excellent Flash Gordon.