CS Clark

There you go, Hillary's new slogan - She Stoops To Conquer

Yeah, she should have done this the traditional way - wait until she's a 40-something alcoholic freelance journalist and then write a semi-autobiographical roman à clef based on out-of-date memories and stories that she has retold so often that she can't remember which ones are the truth and which ones are what she

I've been looking for freedom
I've been looking so long
I've been looking for freedom
still the search goes on
I've been looking for freedom
since I left my home town.

Yeah. 'Gaffe.'

And it's also the case that, regardless of the position of individual candidates, if you want more left-wing policies enacted it's easier to get centrist Democrats to vote with you in a Democrat-controlled legislature than get Republicans of any stripe to vote with you in a Repulican-controlled body.

There was a story a few months ago about Russian troll farms.

Native English speakers have accents too. Everyone has an accent.

Does this mean he will become president one day?

Minor DNC functionaries said things in private emails that are one-thousandth as bad as what the Republican presidential candidate says on his Twitter feed. Thus, the two parties are the same.

Also known as the Spivot Pivot.

To be fair, one scenario in which that is exactly what would happen would be if someone you didn't know very well and think you would prefer to be listening to someone else made a really good speech.

I would like to see that pool expand to people who are really, really annoyed about voting for Clinton, and totally unhappy about it but are still going to do it even if they live in a 'safe' blue state because the alternative is tacit endorsement of the end of the Republic. Because then it would be clearer that you

A little piece of Poland
A little piece of France
A little piece of Portugal
And Austria perchance
A little slice of Turkey
And all that that entails
And then a piece of England, Scotland
lreland and Wales

Carmillary for America

Obama endorsed her re-election campaign didn't he? MInd you, her challenger is, I believe, against the Iran deal so it might not be with great enthusiasm for her.

He's going to build a big dam, and make the salmon pay for it.

Is it actually currently enforced though? I'm sure if churches were losing their tax-exempt charity status because Federal Agents were spying on what was said in the pulpit and making decisions on whether it crossed an arbitrary partisan/non-partisan line then it would have been in the news. Every second of every day.

"Couldn’t have said it better!"

She made it herself with duct tape, a pocket knife and some aluminum foil.

But it's not enough to talk like Chevalier. If you want to get on this TV show you have to sing like Chevalier…