CS Clark

At least they're not Amazon, who seem to be putting YouTube videos and trailers up alongside all the real content. And then allowing them to appear higher in search results than the actual, y'know, film.

The important thing is, nobody gets publically shamed.

I see you've played Ticky Newswire-Spoon Referencey before!

Hate to say it, but you're 100% right about the manic side. Still… dat chin!

Oh, what the hell Disqus?

Braus before fraus?

She moved from speaking snarkily to speaking snidely so fast it gave me snidely whiplash.

Destroying their childhood?

Still, I feel strongly that if someone raises their voice because they are tired of being talked over - and down to - that it should be to the level where you can make out what they are saying.

But this review says that the celebrity cameos (of which there are actually more than 50) are a good thing i.e. it is objectively wrong.

Just to take one tiny step away - maybe Hollywood liberals should try thinking about whether they are enabling the glorification of violence. I would give a lot to have an entire by-the-books pro-privacy pro-freedom movie that also didn't include a scene where torture works a la Winter Soldier.

Star Trek Insurrection. It's like an STD but you only get it by sharing a hot tub with Will Riker.

He's not an actual genie, he just curates the wishes of young boys.

I refuse to believe something so aggressively bad isn't a Netflix Original.

It would allow them to appeal to the Asian market - they would dominate the Japanese boxoffice, sweep Korea off its feet and have China in their hands.

I don't know if, in terms of requency, this is a lunar eclipse, solar eclipse or Transit of Venus. I just feel privileged to have seen it.

According to David Duke - who Donald Trump has totally never heard of! - it was *drumroll* a Jew, or Jews.

Well thank god voting is an expression of one's own conscience rather than a way of choosing a representative within the confines of how the voting system actually works.

… but they can be beaten if we concentrate on the lack of policy points?