CS Clark



There's been a murder.

E's frum Beurrmeenam. E's not uh cocknee. Its a deefrent playse.

Yo mummy's ass so big, Sir Mix-A-Lot wrote a song about it called 'Baby Got Bactrian'.


When you think about what people spend on weddings, is $20,000 really too much? This is definitely a once in a lifetime thing, whereas with a wedding you've got a 50/50 chance it won't be your last.

How does a small off-Broadway show grow and grow, go on and on to be more of a phenomenon, its creator gets a call to say, hey, you wanna play the White House today?

Anyone else get an Opie the Birdman vibe off this? Or, even know what that's a reference to?

Tickets for Lin-Manuel Miranda’s Leslie Odom Jr.'s Philippa Soo's last Hamilton show are going for a whopping $20,000

With great power there must also come … great responsibility!

Hey! I'm an agnostic and… actually I guess I just don't care one way or the other.

My back is spineless! My belly is yellow. I am the American write-in protest candidate voter non-voter.

This is what President Obama said yesterday before Dallas: 'To admit we’ve got a serious problem in no way contradicts our respect and appreciation for the vast majority of police officers who put their lives on the line to protect us every single day.' Not 'all cops are murderers.' And he's the king of the liberals.

They mostly come out at night. Mostly.

Pfft. I bet that guy cheats at Solitaire.

It is like that in a way. Specifically, it's the way the story has absolutely no through line and is just a bunch of stuff that happens one after the other. Is it about two buddies getting along? Is it about learning that people - well, dogs - who have had a hard life need help to get over it? Is it about being true

More scenes set in Dorne.

Yes, let's use the story that shows people dealing with periodic, natural* climate change by building a yuuuge wall to influence our real-life political decisions.