CS Clark

Good point. I think I was thinking of a real shirt rather than the sort of thing you should stop wearing when you're too old for Summer Camp but in truth I'm just digging my own comedy grave at this point.

Would it make you feel any better to be called a white knight or beta-male? Because that's what will happen if you're not a high-talker, or not called… I want to say, Gaylord?

Well, that's the Olyphant in the room isn't it.

The only things that truly unite all men are:

I presume her lawsuit is being funded by Peter Thiel?

Chemin de fer and courtesans, please.

She has a mohawk, but then also two teeny-tiny mohawks sticking out each side that somehow combine to make the original iconic mohawk seem ridiculous.

Really. They would just have the captain of the USS Enterprise say 'Oh, shit' when confronted with thinly-veiled allegories of late-20th century capitalism with big ears. I think not, m'sieur.

Actually, slightly-off French would be closer to someone whose native language was Gaelic than a 'it's a braw bricht moonlit night the nicht' typical broad Scots. More lilting.

Why would an Englishman swear in French?

Although don't get them mixed up with the charity that takes your money and uses it to buy Thunderbird for thirsty hobos. They're not good people.

If Jones has revealed that he never got around to watching Dawn Of Justice it just means that until he watches it this parody is in a quantum state of being both really good and trite at the same time.


If you're running to become president, looking up at the president from below doesn't really give the impression that you are his equal.

He likes cities that don't get attacked with chemical weapons.

But are they going to run with what she did do wrong, according to the FBI, as evidence that she shouldn't be president even if there's no chance of landing a prosecution, or are they going to run with the FBI is wrong and if elected we will make sure out political opponents are jailed? Because one of those is smarter…

That and not releasing details of health plans.

What do you think she should have been doing while he was speaking? Twerking? Eating some grapes? Checking her email?

Genuine question: Has Trump praised any foreign leaders who weren't homicidal despots? In this campaign I mean - I think he said something nice about Alex Salmond back in the day, and as much as I dislike him he's no Putin.

Daddy, why am I dubbed?