CS Clark

… go on

No, he's one of those conservatives that you think is kinda crazy but then it turns out he's cool.

He was never an MP. He was an MEP, and they're voted in on a proportional representation list system. Also, he isn't resigning as an MEP yet (salary c. £70,000).

Just in the sense that the phrase 'on the other hand' is often used to equate two things, and also that being facetious is my default state. Sorry.

I… can see what you mean (although you should know you just kinda sorta equated being racist with being black) that it's a problem giving people a pass. But I think in the first case it's a lack of empathy to not take liking individual people and learning from that that your prejudices are ridiculous, whereas with the

I think we all know that the only way virulent racism, anti-semitism, misogyny and so on can survive is because those who possess them make individual exceptions for people they know personally. At least to their faces.

There is something pleasing about the idea that a Republican is secretly a Democrat being put forward by people whose most frequent complaint about Democrats is that they're secretly Republicans.

And yet, a valuable lesson to the British politicans who think australi anstylep oints ystem! is a spell designed to stop large sections of a nation hating immigrants.

But the Clintons decorating their own tree instead of forcing Zombie Vince Foster to do it? C'mon!

Jean Grey: Gray

Zenith: Phase One, if you like Grant Morrison and want to see where he came from. Although just a little over your price range.

She's only available in a limited edition of one, which means her resale value is huge. As long as you keep her wrapped in plastic to protect her from the acids in your handskin.

They are a little gamey.

True, but I'm worried that if I was going to start naming Powell and Pressburger films I wouldn't know where to stop. I did seriously consider suggesting A Matter of Life and Death as a joint Anglo-American patriotic film.

Abra Kadabra, right?

Well that and the fact that after 13 mass shootings in 17 years and specifically after the Port Arthur massacre Australia introduced stricter gun laws, including banning semiautomatic rifles and having a mandatory buyback of existing ones, and hasn't had a mass shooting since. Also the the average rate of gun-related

They would probably skip over the whole 'the Greeks were only in Persia to fight as mercenaries in a Persian civil war' bit. As indeed The Warriors does, since the Warriors only turn up because all the gangs have to go and (I think?) seem pretty ambivalent about it.

What's more patriotic for an American than confirmation of the belief that their government is full of secret Science Nazis?

Carry On… Up the Khyber

May did say she would abandon the target of having a budget surplus by the end of the parliament which on the face of it is good except a) no way Osborne was going to stick to it anyway and b) this will just be an excuse for regressive tax cuts coupled with even more cuts to basic government spending in areas that