CS Clark

Yeah, have mine as well. It's not as if I'm using them anyway.

That's just a typical New York cab driver who got accidentally included when they got some test footage mixed up with the special effects.

If the film version of Chandler's The Big Sleep is anything to go by, you can drink in bookshops but they have to close and the spinster librarian assistant has to take her glasses off and let her hair down.

The great thing is they'll get expert sommeliers and beer… guys to recommend something to match what you're reading. So for Charles Dickens it will be a pint of porter, for Jane Austen fruit 'punch' that is basically 50% rum, and for Jonathan Franzen a warm bucket of diarrhea. With an umbrella in it.

It's like a tweet except that 98.7% of them don't make you wish the entire human race would just die in a fire.

Individual MPs are picked by their local parties - there's a lot less parachuting than there used to be even with shortlisting rules. But the party members who pick are more likely to be the ones who regularly go to meetings, so the ability of Corbynistas - who are not evenly geographically distributed to deselect MPs

The best thing you can say about Theresa May is that there's a possibility her creepy surveillance state authoritariansim is simply the product of being Home Secretary. The best thing you can say about BoJo is that he's easily distracted. Either would be better than Gove, who is basically an HP Lovecraft story come to

The official leader has a number of rights and duties, which include withdrawing the whip, so having a private contest to elect an unofficial leader wouldn't be in the end much different from splitting and starting a new party - which would make more sense as well, because if enough of them did it the new party would

The fact that a number of MPs calling for him to go are useless sad tossers who can't deal with the fact that Daddy has gone and isn't coming back doesn't mean that all of them are, or that Corbyn is actually good at his job - a job whose responsibilities do not begin and end with 'be elected as leader of the Labour

Really? Her?

Maybe Trump means it literally. As in, he's going for the Flat Earth Society. "People are looking at the horizon and it's a straight line and something's going on, it's incredible."


Well if you have a better way of curing AIDS than free rounds of golf I'd like to hear it!

The notion of it being 'ceremonial' is due to their being no bylaw saying that a leader who has fewer than one-fifth of MPs willing to support him has to do dick. And the reason for that is, nobody ever thought that a leader who has fewer than one-fifth of MPs willing to support him would consider himself a leader any

I'm shocked that there haven't been any comic adaptations, especially given that for many people half the charm is Quentin Blake's drawings. Do the Dahl estate not like money? Failing that, just a normal 2D animated version in the style of Blake's drawings instead of another Tintinesque Unhappy Uncanny Valley Fiasco.

Although Dahl did the screenplay, the book was by - of all people - Ian Fleming.

I prefer 'Supercommiesgoballasticmensheviksareatrocious'.

It's time for Anastasia
She suffers from amnesia
Her father was the Tsar
Ate a bullet in the war
It's Anastasia!

They may look like phone booths but they're actually sophisticated prozzie business card distribution centres. Also, they're not that sophisticated.

There used to be plenty of war comics, and we have wars in our world.