CS Clark

It was a simpler, gentler time, a time when animation was judged on how well it advanced plot and displayed characters, not on how hair was now even more realistic.

You don't get props for being closer to the book if you also feel the need to explain a love of chocolate with a sadistic dentist father deep backstory plot point.

"Flyting became public entertainment in Scotland in the 15th and 16th centuries where makars would engage in verbal contests of provocative, often sexual and scatological but highly poetic abuse."

The main problem with telling Trump to go fuck himself is that the only people willing to fuck Trump need to be given large amount of money to do so, and not only does the concept of paying yourself to fuck yourself simply not make sense, I don't think he could afford it even if it did.

He's got a point doc. Would you like to get rid of his ideology now, or wait till you get home?

If Brexit has taught people anything it's that you shouldn't make such sweeping generalisations about what people actually think based on what the demagogue(s) they are supporting thinks.

The old thing about the Conservatives being the 'Stupid Party' actually comes from John Stuart Mill. But what people leave out is that he not only said 'I did not mean that Conservatives are generally stupid; I meant, that stupid persons are generally Conservative' but also said

Pick a key and stay in it, Internet

Lycanthropy's back again
In a film with a guy called Dwayne
Men II Werewolvez overhauled
Not too hairy, not too bald


In terms of news it's probably a little better quality-wise, but ever since Game of Thrones became popular interviews with the main anchorman have gone downhill. It's a moot point anyway, because tonight instead of referendum coverage they've got such shows as Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA, which also gives you a

topics include masturbation and Netflix

Inside a Bendis comic? You think you're inside a Bendis comic?

That's not how corrupt political influence works in the UK. You need to look for same prep school, same school, same university, same university drinking club, same country suppers and also whether you are now or have ever been in the same room as a Murdoch.

But given that satire just lapped itself with Question Time LIVE from Wembley (grumble stupid Disqus camouflaged links) I'm not sure we can honestly say the BBC is any better any more.

That George Orwell was right.

I'm sure he's saving that for the veep vetting, the first in history to include a swimsuit round aaaaaaand I now imagined Newt Gingrich in a bikini and threw up in my mouth, Thanks brain!

Interesting to learn that in the bizarre adultery sexual fantasy that apparently haunts the dreams of Trump and his supporters he's one of the few who wants to be the black man.

Fun fact: If you hold an event at a property you own you have to charge your campaign a fair market rate!