CS Clark

Braniac. A later version of course, since he was initially just another a green-skinned mook with the innards of a Speak & Spell on his head, but - and this is crucial - it doesn't have to be DCAU.

Let's dispel with this fiction that the AV Club doesn't know what it's doing. It knows exactly what it's doing.

What I'm taking from this is, The Walking Dead is not funny, engaging, accessible or human. Which I already knew, thanks.

served with fava beans and a nice chianti…

North London Ticket Ladies notwithstanding, that is actually how it's pronounced*. Hence the family motto, McDiarmids Are Forever.

When the steak becomes skeeve, eat the skeeve.

There is no Dana. Only Zuul.

I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if a Twinkie thirty-five feet long, weighing approximately six hundred pounds suddenly cried out in terror and was suddenly silenced.

The Wildlings didn't land on Casterly Rock - Casterly Rock landed on us.

StarWipe was a party political broadcast on behalf of the Liberal Party.

Well, I will never agree with his politics, but I should say I've never seen them get in the way of his pop culture appreciation so I'm not sure that's completely fair. In many ways he's the Mike Nelson of the gang. Also, we're in a gang.

He's probably exceeded his data plan. So sad, much poor, wow

You mean you didn't have the My Talking Orlando With Kung-Fu Grip as a kid?

My belief is that this poet who never wrote a word and was buried at the cross-roads still lives. She lives in you and in me, and in many other women who are not here to-night, for they are washing up the dishes and putting the children to bed. But she lives; for great poets do not die; they are continuing

It should be pointed out, for the record, that the man in question is pasty British. Just in case anyone automatically thinks illegal alien = Black Mexican Muslim for some reason.

He's already taking a large chunk of it.

And may I take this opportunity to say Cymru am byth!

He clearly wants to spend time with people with some sophistication and wit before diving back into a sea of retarded sexuality and bad poetry.

He probably hasn't watched it or thought of it in years, but a long time ago my dad mentioned how much he liked The Vikings - a great, old-fashioned Kirk Douglas and Tony Curtis romp that set them up quite nicely for Spartacus - and I managed to track down a copy of it on video for him which was my first great proper

Speaking of which, the Superme Court just turned down a challenge to assault weapons bans in Conneticut and New York.