CS Clark

And that his estimation of his wealth is largely based on the value of his own name.

I think you're getting it mixed up with 'When the legend becomes fact, you provide the prose poems, and we'll catch those jewel thieves for you.'

As well as the Dan Jones War of the Roses book mentioned upstream I've just started Bridget Christie's A Book For Her.

And writer of Adventure Time comics to boot. A real Renaissance Man.

If you like JJN, check out his history of Byzantium if you haven't already.

I thought that with physics department plays you could either know where the play is being put on, or what time it starts, but not both.

I'm actually reading the follow-up right now, and it's exactly as good as The Plantagenets.

In the case of the UK, it's because the confirmation of the initial entry into the then EEC seemed to set a precedent for large constitutional changes requiring a referendum - new electoral bodies, changes to voting systems and the like. And they haven't always been simple majority - the 1979 Scottish 1979 devolution

I firmly believe Bill would have been willing and able to be more progressive than himself if it wasn't for the little problem of losing both House and Senate in 1994.

Counterpoint, or at least sidenote: The economic arguments, and the arguments about sovereignty and freedom and the bendiness of bananas, would never have been enough to get people to care about this as an issue if it wasn't for them being pre-loaded with xenophobia.

Quick! Hide the bourbon!

I always lose all interest in Zombieland when they hit Lorenzo Music's house.

What is the deal… with replicator food? You never hear of replicator underwear, replicator toilet paper, replicator condoms. Yeah, sure, I don't mind if you take last week's leftover kasha, break it down at the subatomic level and turn it into tea, Earl Grey, hot. Just don't make anything that goes on, in or near

Mother, May I Sleep With Carlos Danger? No? How About If I Just Ask Him For A Dick Pic?

Do you know how most other countries with elected presidents run presidential elections? They mostly either have run-offs, which eliminates the third party candidate, or transferrable votes, which means the people voting for the third party candidate still have to decide which is the lesser of two evils.The only

You don't get to decide how much of a progressive you are. Other people decide that based on your words and actions.

I'll stand by what I said yesterday, Xavier Becerra could be a good outside pick, and if his closet skelingtons were so heinous he wouldn't even be on the shortlist. I've also heard good arguments for Perez.