CS Clark

Oh my god, the whole final act of Stripes. One minute you've got perfectly acceptable lovable misfits misfitting it up lovably and the next Egon Spengler is fucking up the entire Czechoslovakian army. It makes Police Academy look restrained. Couldn't they just, I dunno, have had to put on a show in order to save the

How is Pauline Hanson still a thing?


'I got my mother-in-law to meet the Pope, and she’s very Catholic' sounds like a great set-up. I mean, you've already got the 'and she's very Catholic' bit there to begin with, and the whole post-ironic mother-in-law joke thing where you get to make the tacky joke and also make fun of the people who used to think that

Sounds like bollocks to me.

Real political analysis, or body language political analysis? And I don't think the two have to be close - look at Kennedy and LBJ. Or even Bush and Reagan - the phrase 'voodoo economics' was what Bush said about Reagan's tax-cut plans.

I was just about to type that after Trump, there's no way people can say 'If only we has a candidate not afraid to speak the truth' and leave it at that.

I can't get my head round the idea of evangelical Australians. I know they can be as narrow-minded and xenophobic as well as any Brit, I just expect them to do so in a secular way for some reason.

In no particular order, age (58, I think), lots of substantial legislative experience, has a current leadership role, and wouldn't have to be replaced by a Republican governor. Although for diehard Busters he did commit the unforgiveable sin of endorsing and campaigning for Hillary Clinton he has a strong progressive

Might as well stick this here: apparent Clinton VP shortlist

Ehhhhh - I still like TWW, but for every person inspired by his view of the power of rhetoric to change the world there's one who think that all you need to do to get whatever you want is make a fancy speech and therefore the lack of $POLICY is due to leaders not being strong-willed or brave enough to say… things.

The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp. Which is silly, since the final line is 'Now here is the lake and I still haven't changed.' and there's not only been plenty of tragedy throughout the film but it is set - and was shot - in the middle of an ongoing tragedy. But still, it not only shows you that behind at least some

The scene on the boat where Harpo, Chico and the bland one think they're going to have to sneak their way into stealing a meal only to be handed everything happily and with no need for subterfuge - for some reason, that really twangs my heartstrings.

By the way, is anybody disputing the fact that we would all watch the shit out of Indiana Jones Escapes From Innsmouth?

We're waiting in the wings for you.

He also didn't say anything about tracking down and killing Shia Le Beef. He's a little gamey, but he's good for sausage!

Spielberg or Han?

Why is it so important to you that you are right on this?

Smurl is clearly off-brand Smurf. "Hey Smurlfette, want to get some Smurlberries and then go Smurl with Well-Hung Smurl and Sexually Ambiguous Smurl? If you Smurl my Smurl I promise I'll Smurl in your Smurl with two Smurls and a Smurl!"

— Ray Stantz